Machine Learning

A great selection of eLearning articles for Machine Learning. Information, benefits, disadvantages, technologies and valuable resources for Machine Learning. Find out everything you need about Machine Learning into eLearning Industry database.

August 22, 2018

Speech Recognition In Training: What You Need To Know

Speech analysis is widely used in AI and Machine Learning. According to many forecasts, the demand for voice controlled devices will grow in the upcoming years. Speech recognition technology can sure find its place also in the eLearning industry and soft-skills training for employees.
by Andrej Rybovic
May 21, 2018 | Sponsored

10 Secrets To Transforming L&D With A Chatbot

Chatbots are becoming ubiquitous. Chances are when you’re seeking customer support online you’re interacting with a bot rather than a human agent. They’re increasingly reliable, and they don’t have the human frailties of needing a break, falling ill, or forgetting key information.
by Paul McElvaney
May 10, 2018

Instructional Design: Data Is The New Plastics

In the classic movie, The Graduate, Dustin Hoffman's character gets pulled aside to hear the advice of the century. One word: plastics. For a Learning and Development professional today, that one word would be data. Data is the new plastics! Let's do some hands-on machine learning!
by Zsolt Olah
April 15, 2018 | Sponsored

10 Reasons You Need To Use Chatbots For Learning Support

A lot of the technology we use today involves Artificial Intelligence. AI’s not just about automating processes or analysing Big Data; there are also AI-driven bots for human-computer interactions. Think of Apple’s Siri, Amazon’s Alexa, and Microsoft’s Cortana. Now attention is turning to what AI can do for learning support. With businesses under ever-increasing pressure to be more efficient, productive, and cost-effective, AI-powered chatbots can help establish learning in the workflow.
by Paul McElvaney