Microlearning Best Practices

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August 15, 2017

Free eBook: Complete Guide To MicroLearning And Learning Reinforcement

Online training nowadays is not only about conveying knowledge, but also about allowing online learners to retain it easily. BizLibrary designed the free eBook Complete Guide To MicroLearning And Learning Reinforcement intending to present Microlearning best practices that drive knowledge acquisition and retention levels to the top. In this article, I’ll present what BizLibrary’s free eBook has to offer.
by Christopher Pappas
July 5, 2017

5 Ways To Use Microlearning For Informal Learning

Formal learning programs are synonymous with full-scale eLearning courses, instructor-led trainings, strong Instructional Design strategies and an extensive curriculum, all mapped in a very structured way. However, carefully constructed courses are not the only way learners can acquire skills and knowledge. Research shows that over 80% of employees learn their job from informal learning. Informal learning pulls learners toward knowledge and content,rather than pushing content onto them. As this approach is free from the bounds of classrooms, schedules, and computers, it allows employees to be spontaneous in their learning. So, can we use microlearning for informal learning? 
by Ayesha Habeeb Omer, Ph.D
July 2, 2017

9 Ways To Capitalize Microlearning In Your Organization

Microlearning is a concept that believes in imparting knowledge bit by bit so as to make the learning experience memorable in nature. This can be done through videos, blogs, mobile applications, emails, infographics and many such interesting mediums that pave way for a promising learning approach.
by Sam Maniar