Microlearning Best Practices

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August 26, 2016

5 Advantages Of Microlearning And An Inspirational Quote Behind eLearning’s Fastest Process!

Winston Churchill once said “Personally, I am always ready to learn; although I don’t always like being taught”. And with that, he said it all. In a business world that moves at high speed and requires fast reactions, the learning options should adjust to reflect exactly this. Here are some of the most important advantages of microlearning, eLearning’s fastest process that lays the foundation for effortless, yet effective learning.
by Elias Parlavantzas
July 20, 2016

Is The Microlearning Solution The New Black?

The microlearning solution breaks down the traditional long training or learning curriculum into easily consumable pieces of information by breaking it up. It takes a course or a module and deconstructs it to form building blocks of information that can be personalized according to the needs of the learner.
by Anand Timothy