Modern Learners

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September 30, 2017

7 Tips To Appeal To Digital Natives

Using tech tools to pick up new information, stay on top of their social life, and make business transactions comes naturally to the new generation of employees. In this article, I'll share 7 tips to help you appeal to digital natives.
by Nipun Sharma
January 11, 2017

5 Easy Steps To Turn Next-Gen Into A Competitive Advantage

Sophia, a bright 16 year old student, is writing an assignment on osmosis. Not surprisingly, Sophia is bored with her text book! She quickly googles the term; reads a section of an eBook and watches a two-minute video on the same. Sophia is Gen Z. In this article we will examine how to turn next-gen into a competitive advantage.
by Vivek Bhide
December 15, 2016

4 Effective Strategies To Engage eLearners

In order to be competitive, training strategies and environments can’t be merely functional, they have to be engaging. What are the training strategies that will make that personal connection and effectively focus and engage eLearners? Here are 4 learning strategies to consider.
by Keith Gibson
November 21, 2016

Finding The Right Remix In Modern Blended Learning

With the explosion of technological possibilities, the definition of blended learning has expanded to include synchronous and asynchronous learning occurring on a variety of devices from phones and tablets to desktops. With so many possibilities, how do you keep training focused, coherent, and productive? Here is how to find the right remix for your modern blended learning program.
by Jayme Jenkins
November 20, 2016

Training Gen Z: 5 Myths Busted

Gen Z, who? The eLearning industry is a buzz with strategies for training Millennials and helping them cope with the changing business environment. This leaves Gen Z gaping in the face of the future… wondering how it will fit into the workforce. What about training Gen Z, which is set to account for 20 % of working adults by the year 2020?
by Vivek Bhide