Online Learning

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January 13, 2014

Online Flashcards for Active Recall and Spaced Repetition

People have been using flashcards as a revision aid for decades, but now they are being brought into the 21st century by online flashcard apps. Flashcards are an effective learning aid for a number of reasons, and online flashcards are able to build on these reasons to make learning even more successful. Online flashcards are created using theories of spaced repetition and active recall.
by Michael Bollinger
January 5, 2014

3 Tips To Improve Virtual Schools

Virtual schools offer the promise of choice for families. They can choose to attend, but they can also choose to leave. And yet, much of the time spent on trying to improve the learning experience is centered on two things: instructional design and content.
by Houston C Tucker
December 20, 2013

How To Improve Online Discussion Posts

Minor changes may help your online course become more successful or easier to navigate. Upon completing an online course, take a little time to reflect on the class. An unscientific experiment allowed this author to better understand student engagement between video discussion posts and typed discussions.
by Douglass Bourne
December 15, 2013

How An LMS and BYOD Changed A School

This article describes a three-year implementation of a Learning Management System into a traditional private school on the Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia. It shows the capacity of the LMS to promote classroom change and the power of the blended learning approach when a BYOD program is introduced to increase access to learning resources.
by Richard Jones
October 25, 2013

5 Time-Saving Tips for Online Instruction

Do you check your email before breakfast? Ever feel like your online class is taking over your life? Online instruction does operate at its own schedule, but the schedule should not control you. Here are some time saving tips for the online teaching environment.
by Douglass Bourne
October 21, 2013

Creating An e-Learning School Culture

Education is constantly changing the way students learn and how instructors teach. Technology is often the driving force behind many of the world’s changes and innovations. In education, creating an e-learning culture is more about developing and tweaking what already exists, sharing a common vision, and doing things a little differently. The purpose of this article is to identify and outline a strategy for creating an e-learning culture within a school system ready to step away from traditional teaching.
by Michael Higley
September 11, 2013

The Teacher’s Guide to Keeping Students Safe Online

As an educator, you simply can’t introduce students to the internet without educating them on how to be safe while exploring the world wide web; but that’s what many teachers do anyway. This Teacher’s Guide to Keeping Students Safe Online will educate you on what online safety really is, show you how to protect your students, and provide resources that enable them to educate themselves about online safety. Let’s get to it.
by Robert Lucas