Psychology Principles

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March 23, 2016

Self-Fulfilling Prophecy In eLearning

One huge obstacle in education since the beginning of time is the self-fulfilling prophecy. This prophecy is problematic for teachers as well as students. Here is how eLearning can minimize its negative effects on academic performance, and maybe even use the prophecy to its own advantage.
by Christiaan Henny
December 3, 2014

5 Psychology Principles That eLearning Professionals Should Know

In this article, I'll highlight 5 psychology principles that you should use before you develop your next eLearning courses. Knowing how learners acquire information and why they need such information, is the key to becoming a successful eLearning professional. Using psychology principles in eLearning courses, offers eLearning professionals the chance to take full advantage of learning behaviors when creating their next eLearning deliverable.
by Christopher Pappas
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