Create The Perfect eLearning Portfolio Based On 5 Psychology Principles

Create The Perfect eLearning Portfolio Based On 5 Psychology Principles
Summary: Creating an amazing eLearning portfolio is one of the most effective ways to build your online presence. In this article, I'll share 5 psychology principles to help you create an attention-grabbing eLearning portfolio.

5 Psychology Principles You Should Know To Create The Perfect eLearning Portfolio

We use psychology on a regular basis when designing eLearning courses. As eLearning professionals, we must think about how the brain functions and how to engage our online learners on a cognitive level. Every image, text block, and graph triggers a specific response, and it’s our responsibility to know exactly how it will impact the eLearning experience. So, it makes perfect sense that we can also use psychology to attract new clients or land that dream eLearning job. Here are 5 psychology principles that you should know before you start creating or revamping your eLearning portfolio.

1. Human Beings Crave Control

Some people might say that they prefer to follow than lead, but the simple truth is that we all crave some degree of control. We like to take charge of certain aspects of our lives, and you can capitalize on this when creating your eLearning portfolio. Instead of creating an online presentation or slideshow that highlights all of your skills and talents, include an eLearning portfolio map that clients can use to navigate on their own. This is also a great alternative to a traditional website format that features menu buttons or tabs. Clients have the opportunity to interact directly with the eLearning portfolio content by clicking on the sections they'd like to see. For example, if they are interested in developing a corporate eLearning program, they can click on the link to your corporate eLearning samples, instead of having to peruse your entire site. Offering them a choice is one of the most effective ways to cater to their need for control. So, give clients complete control over their viewing experience by leaving the navigation up to them.

2. The Mind Automatically Forms Connections

This is actually tied to one of the Gestalt Principles, which suggests that our minds automatically form associations and relationships between concepts that are close in proximity. It also applies to the use of white space. Clients are going to naturally make assumptions based on the positioning of your eLearning portfolio content. For example, if you group a series of images together on your eLearning portfolio page, your visitors will assume they are somehow related, even if they are not. You see, our minds are lazy in some respects. They like to make snap judgements that aren’t necessarily supported by cold, hard facts. This is why it's essential to be very deliberate. Many eLearning professionals focus on what to include in their eLearning portfolio, but you also have to consider WHERE you should place the eLearning content.

3. Stunning Online Visuals Cause Mental Stimulation

Bear in mind that potential clients are probably viewing more than one eLearning portfolios. As such, you need to stand out from the crowd and show them something they'll remember. One of the most powerful tools at your disposal is images. Most eLearning professionals use text to convey their expertise and skills, but what if you took it a step further pairing text with thought-provoking images that grabbed their attention? Stunning visuals, such as images that catch us by surprise or feature interesting subject matter, provide mental stimulation. For example, screen captures of an amazing eLearning course layout that you designed is sure to captivate your clients. Just make certain that you don't go overboard by including too many images or photos that are busy or chaotic. This will only overwhelm your eLearning portfolio visitors and serve as a distraction.

4. Other People's Thoughts And Opinions Dictate Our Behavior

A vast majority of us like to believe that other people have no influence over our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. However, external opinions do have a direct impact on our actions and decisions. Before making a major purchase, we will probably look for online reviews and ratings. We immediately click on the "testimonials" section of a website if its credibility is in question. The words of authoritarian figures, such as "gurus" and experts, typically carry more weight. So, include a client feedback section in your eLearning portfolio and provide references if you can. Building trust is key, and every element of your eLearning portfolio must convey a sense of credibility and reliability.

5. Basic Instincts Underlie ALL Of Our Decisions

We have come a long way since the prehistoric days, but we all still have some caveman-esque instincts. These basic instincts play a crucial role in every decision and action that we make. A perfect example of this is the principle of supply and demand. When something is in high demand or scarce the price tends to skyrocket and we typically want it even more. Why? Because we know that there is a finite supply and we are willing to compete with others in order to get it. Thus, if you stress the idea that you only take on a limited number of eLearning projects each year and are very selective about your work, clients are more likely to reach out to you. Basic instincts also apply to the design of your eLearning portfolio. For instance, choosing calm colors, such as blue and green, will make your visitors feel secure and relaxed. Likewise, including hints of red can evoke feelings or urgency, prompting your online visitors to take action more quickly.

Use these 5 psychology principles to captivate potential online clients and prompt them to hit that "contact" button. Speaking of, make sure that you give them ample opportunity to reach out to you by including action buttons on every page. Once you're done creating your eLearning portfolio, why not apply these 5 psychology prisnciples in your next eLearning course design to let online learners reap the benefits?

Are you uncertain about what to include in your eLearning portfolio? Read the article Building An Instructional Design Portfolio: Layout, What To Include And 3 Useful Tips to discover 3 useful tips for building an effective layout for your Instructional Design portfolio.

Are you currently looking for your ideal eLearning job? Let eLearning Industry help you find the jobs that fit you best or upload your resume and increase your chances to get your dream eLearning job!

Originally published on May 31, 2016