Serious Games

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March 1, 2016

8 Tips To Create 3D Simulations For Non-Game Designers: The ITyStudio Case

Putting knowledge into action. This is the statement we hear the most from our customers. If you are a training manager, chances are you face the same issues. To date, the best way to engage your learners into the training is to use serious games. More precisely, 3D simulations. At the first glance, everything seem clean and easy. Nevertheless, when it comes to serious game development, hurdles are along the way. Graphical environments. Characters. Scenario based learning. All the elements you have to put together can overwhelm you. Suddenly, your dream of creating 3D simulations becomes a technical nightmare. Fortunately, there are easy to use solutions out there. Keep reading to learn how to create your first 3D simulations quickly and easily.
by Yann Teyssier
February 24, 2016 | Sponsored

5 Things About Learning Simulations Your Boss Wants To Know

Learning simulations. Serious Games. eLearning. Digital Learning. These words seem common nowadays, right? This might be the case if you are the training manager of a digitally driven company. However, for some CEOs, the concepts listed above are inappropriate to a proper learning organization. Are you a training manager yourself? Do you have to fight with your boss every day so that he accepts to use learning simulations within your overall training strategy? Well, if you are in that case, keep reading. In this article, we will give you 5 tips to convince your boss that setting up learning simulations is definitely the right thing to do.
by Yann Teyssier
February 17, 2016 | Sponsored

6 Steps To Create Serious Games With ITyStudio

Text-based eLearning modules, or how to get your employees bored and underperforming, while making trainers / employers frustrated. This is when «Learning by doing» comes into play; thanks to serious games, you can create engaging training modules. You might be wondering: «Ok great, but how do we do to create serious games? Is it another complex solution that will require a lot of efforts and money from our side?» Well, if you think so, keep reading. In this article, we will breakdown how you can develop your first serious games quickly and easily, using an authoring tool called ITyStudio.
by Yann Teyssier
February 8, 2016 | Sponsored

6 Tips For Serious Game Development For Non-Game Designers

To train more than to entertain: That is the motto of a proper serious game. Indeed, these kinds of training methods have gained undeniable popularity, since institutions, as well as companies, decided to implement them as part of their training programs some years ago. Consequently, a lot of training managers became interested in serious game development or, in other words, in how to design such training modules. However, when it comes to serious game development, a lot of questions come into play. Sometimes they can be scary, or even overwhelming. For instance, «Will I have to create 3D environments by myself ?», or «Will I have to do some coding in order to make my training module work?». Well, if you are a non-game designer interested in serious game development, you should keep reading.
by Yann Teyssier
February 1, 2016

Gameplay Programming Best Practices

Gameplay programming has become so complex that we can’t allow spending the time for reinventing the wheel anymore. This article aims to help you organize your workflow efficiently as it do outstanding companies in the game industry.
by Mykola Chornyi
January 31, 2016 | Sponsored

6 Tips To Create An Efficient Training Simulation With ITyStudio

No matter what the subject is, having those so-called «Aha!» moments is definitely one of the most satisfying experiences you can live as a learner. You know, those moments when you suddenly understand a memorable truth. After all, as a training manager, this is what you aim for: You want your attendees to improve their skills on a certain area, by providing them pedagogical content, whether physical or digital. In this regards, a training simulation can be the way to go. In this article, you will discover how to create a training simulation that brings you results, using the authoring tool ITyStudio to illustrate our examples.
by Yann Teyssier
January 26, 2016 | Sponsored

4 Tips To Create 2D Simulations With ITyStudio

Enterprise gamification leads companies to move from classical and linear eLearning modules to more interactive training, for instance serious games. In these simulations, you are actually trying to represent real life case scenario for your employees. In a previous article, we discussed how to create engaging 3D simulations with ITyStudio. Even if 3D simulations are great, they are not the only way to go; you can also aim for 2D simulations. 2D simulations broaden your pedagogical possibilities, allowing you to diversify the environments of your training modules, as well as the way your learners feel the training. In this article, we are going to cover how to create engaging 2D simulations, using the authoring tool ITyStudio as an example.
by Yann Teyssier
January 19, 2016 | Sponsored

4 Tips To Create 3D Simulations With ITyStudio

Regardless of our age, playing with simulators (such as flight or driving simulators, stock market investment) and video games (such as World of Warcraft, League of Legends, Starcraft) usually brings us on the path to experiencing and learning new things. Have you ever wondered why? Well, simply put, if our goal is to win the game, we will have to learn and explore the system, in order to be successful. Actually, this is exactly what game-based learning is all about, and this the very best way to obtain great results quickly with your learners. Indeed, by giving your attendees the opportunity to interact with the environment of the training module, and thus to impact the outcome of the simulation, you will engage them and make them retain the pedagogical material more efficiently. The best way to do so is by creating 3D simulations. In this article, we are going to breakdown the main benefits of setting up 3D simulations by using the authoring tool ITyStudio as an example to illustrate our words.
by Yann Teyssier
March 2, 2015

Gaming Design For eLearning

Gamification is the buzz word in eLearning at the moment, but of course, you don’t want to gamify eLearning for the sake of it. In this post, you’ll explore the principles underpinning good gaming design for eLearning, and set out an eight point checklist to help you create better, gamified learning.
by Li Whybrow