Storytelling In eLearning

A great selection of eLearning articles for Storytelling In eLearning. Information, benefits, pros and cons, technologies and valuable resources for Storytelling In eLearning. Click to read, share our valuable Storytelling In eLearning resources or submit your article!

July 23, 2018

Instructional Designers And Learning Officers: Storytelling Is In – PowerPoint Is Out

In his 2108 Letter to Shareholders, Jeff Bezos, Founder of Amazon, banished PowerPoint presentations from executive meetings and replaced them with “Narrative Structures.” Culture Shock! Storytelling instead of Bullet Points! Yes, you heard right. And if anyone knows a good idea, it’s probably Jeff. Amazon’s executive meetings now begin with participants spending 30 minutes reading stories about ideas and then discussing them. And it’s Bezos’ idea. The man who went from a new retailing idea to the world’s richest man in 23 years is advocating storytelling. And once again he’s right.
by Alex Terego
July 15, 2018

Why Storytelling Works In eLearning

One of the most effective ways to convey information in eLearning is by getting your audience to care about the content. Creating relatable content via storytelling can help establish a genuine connection, increasing engagement and comprehension.
by Victoria Zambito