Storytelling In eLearning

A great selection of eLearning articles for Storytelling In eLearning. Information, benefits, pros and cons, technologies and valuable resources for Storytelling In eLearning. Click to read, share our valuable Storytelling In eLearning resources or submit your article!

October 14, 2016

3 Tips To Effectively Integrate Storytelling Into eLearning

Looking for a magical tool to make eLearning more engaging, motivational, educational, and entertaining? Chances are that in your search for the new and novel you’ve overlooked a powerful learning tool – a tool as old as human history itself: Stories. Here is how to effectively integrate storytelling into eLearning courses.
by Jayme Jenkins
October 2, 2016

Adobe Spark Page: Igniting Creativity

Instructional Designers are constantly challenged with new and creative ways to share information with learners, and Adobe has come up with a fun and elegant set of tools to meet this challenge. In this article, I will discuss Adobe Spark Page.
by Donna L. Carter
August 29, 2016

5 Essential Elements Of An Effective eLearning Story

Most of us aren't natural born storytellers. While some can spin a yarn with ease, our talents lie elsewhere. But that doesn't mean that we can't write a meaningful and attention-grabbing eLearning story for our eLearning course. In this article, I'll share the 5 essential elements of an effective eLearning story.
by Christopher Pappas
July 17, 2016

3 Tips To Weave Storytelling In eLearning Modules

Mark Van Doren said “The art of teaching is the art of assisting discovery”… and what better way to assist discovery than to tell a story? For the longest time we, both young and old, have been enamored by the power of storytelling. How about online learning? Here are 3 tips on how to weave storytelling in eLearning and offer your learners a context which makes your modules relevant to them.
by Anand Timothy