Storytelling In eLearning

A great selection of eLearning articles for Storytelling In eLearning. Information, benefits, pros and cons, technologies and valuable resources for Storytelling In eLearning. Click to read, share our valuable Storytelling In eLearning resources or submit your article!

April 21, 2017

4 Steps To Ensure You Create Stories Of Relevance

You are the story of relevance. Skills we have now may be obsolete within five years. Many jobs in demand today didn’t even exist ten years ago. Artificial intelligence, machine learning, and other applications of new tech is changing the world as we know it. Some are talking about a new industrial revolution coming. How does the story end?
by Zsolt Olah
April 13, 2017

8 Storytelling Elements To Integrate In Online Training

Stories captivate your audience and create emotional connection. They tie the online training topics into real-world applications, thereby increasing employee motivation and engagement. In this article, I'll highlight the 8 essential storytelling elements eLearning professionals should include in online training.
by Christopher Pappas