Subject Matter Experts

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January 16, 2017

Why You Need Multiple Subject Matter Experts

We often look for a single Subject Matter Expert to provide all the inputs that we need for a learning project. But that may not always be possible or practical. In this article, we talk about the importance of, and the practical considerations for, having multiple Subject Matter Experts on our project.
by Srividya Kumar
April 23, 2016

5 Steps To Win Subject Matter Experts’ Hearts

Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) are experts in their fields. Their minds are fully covered with the content and experiences that make your learners’ job easier. They have invested a lot of time in the same area and, therefore, their involvement in your eLearning course development is important. But it’s not easy; Subject Matter Experts usually give you a hard time before you get what you are looking for. In this article, you will learn how good communication skills can help you fulfill your expectations.
by Mohammad Hassam
March 7, 2016

KCA: A Simplified Training Strategy For Learning And Development

Do you have a small training team? Is that team comprised of former Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) without adult learning background? How can you get them to apply adult learning concepts without having any formal education in the subject? Knowledge, Context and Application (KCA) is a simplified training strategy for Learning and Development that helps develop Subject Matter Experts into effective trainers.
by Alexander Salas, CPLP
February 28, 2016

7 Tips To Get The Subject Matter Expert Involved In Your Next Corporate Client Meeting

Subject Matter Experts are essential in the content development process. They help you create top notch online training content, identify the objectives, and ensure that every interactive element is relevant and relatable. However, their skills and extensive knowledge can be useful in a variety of other corporate eLearning situations. In this article, I will share 7 tips to involve a Subject Matter Expert in your corporate client meetings.
by Christopher Pappas
January 10, 2016

7 Tips For Getting Off To A Great Start With Your Subject Matter Expert

As the famous blue jean business mogul, Levi Strauss, once said: "An expert knows all the answers - if you ask the right questions". A Subject Matter Expert is a key member of your eLearning team, but only if you know how to get off to a great start and make the most of your collaboration. In this article, I'll share 7 tips that can put you on the path to a winning eLearning partnership with your Subject Matter Expert (SME).
by Christopher Pappas