Virtual Reality

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August 21, 2017

Augmented And Virtual Reality For Safety Training

New shiny technologies, especially super rich and immersive ones like VR and AR can be alluring. But it’s important to keep it real and see when they are really needed, when they can add true value to training. Let’s understand some considerations for their use – and see 2 infallible tests!
by Amit Garg
February 11, 2017

6 Tips To Use Virtual Reality In Online Training

Wouldn't it be amazing if you could offer your corporate learners a 360 view of your online training environment? What if your corporate learners could interact with your online training materials just as they would in the real world? In this article, I'll share 6 tips for using Virtual Reality in your online training courses.
by Christopher Pappas
January 3, 2017

3 Instructional Design Strategies For Virtual Reality Learning

As the field of instructional technology pivots quickly to Virtual Reality, online learning developers must chose the correct strategy for creating the Virtual Reality learning experience. Otherwise learners will have a “cool” experience in the Virtual Reality environment, but not have tangible learning results.
by Karl Kapp