The Power Of Personalization: How Adaptive Learning Drives Employee Engagement

The Power Of Personalization: How Adaptive Learning Drives Employee Engagement

The Power Of Personalization: How Adaptive Learning Drives Employee Engagement

Personalized Adaptive Learning To Boost Employee Engagement

If there was a fast track in organizational learning, adaptive training would be it. Why? Because adaptive learning is aimed straight at workers’ weak points—in other words, the gaps in their skills. Adaptive learning focuses on where workers need to become competent.

As a result, employees learn what they don’t know at record speed. For example, improving time efficiency in training is crucial for frontline workers where time on the floor and in front of customers is critical to operations. This high-speed approach has struck a chord in the business world. Adaptive learning itself is on a fast track, according to [1]. The Global Adaptive Learning Market, which was estimated at $2,016,250 in 2021, is expected to reach $2,492,080 in 2022, and $7,278,202 by 2027—a projected growth rate of 23.85%.

The growth makes sense when you consider the advantages organizations gain by deploying adaptive learning, including:

eBook Release
The Employee Engagement Playbook: 8 Proven Strategies To Drive Retention
Learn about proven employee engagement strategies and the technology needed to hire the best workers, retain them, and motivate them to perform at their highest capacity while loving their jobs.

Why Employees Need Personalized Adaptive Learning Experiences

No two workers are alike. They each have different skills, weaknesses, career goals, and preferences. When you think about it, it makes sense that learning should be personalized to individual needs and goals. No traditional, generic learning program can deliver the power of adaptive learning. Adaptive learning is personalized learning that uses technology to modify content to a learner’s individual needs. Through the application of algorithms or AI, the technology modifies content in real time based on learners’ behaviors and interactions. One of the many advantages organizations gain when they deploy adaptive learning includes improving employee engagement by helping them pave individual pathways to learning—at their own pace.

How To Enhance Personalization With Learning Technology

To leverage the power of adaptive learning and personalization, deploy an LMS that can do things like suggesting personalized learning paths, track what workers have learned, and assess employee progress. Schoox fully supports the power of personalization with adaptive learning functionality designed to help employees build successful careers in your organization. Your business gains happier and more productive workers, as well as improvements in business results.

Schoox delivers a wide range of adaptive learning capabilities—from personalized course recommendations to learning pathway suggestions to career journey progress tracking. Your L&D team gains the power to:


One-size-fits-all learning programs no longer work in a world where employees expect their individual wants and needs to be recognized and supported. Adaptive learning makes it possible and easy for organizations to understand and support each worker’s individual learning path—both to strengthen their skills for their current job and to learn new skills required for their desired career path within your organization.

Download the eBook The Employee Engagement Playbook: 8 Proven Strategies To Drive Retention to discover how to leverage technology to hire, retain, and inspire top talent. It features insider tips to make your existing employee development program more collaborative, learner-centered, and results-driven.



[1] ResearchandMarkets

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