The Rapid eLearning Implementation Toolkit

The Rapid eLearning Implementation Toolkit

The Rapid eLearning Implementation Toolkit

Everything You Need For Rapid eLearning Implementation

If you are struggling to make a business case for rapid eLearning and conceive your Leadership, you need a rapid eLearning implementation toolkit! A rapid eLearning implementation toolkit will equip L&D pros to make a winning business case for rapid eLearning implementation to C Suite and Stakeholders.

This kit contains guidelines for designing and developing eLearning, best practices, technical & infrastructure requirements, and more. The goal is to make the process of designing and developing eLearning smoother and ensure they're deployed successfully.

Let’s dive into the kit with the aid of a typical scenario.

eBook Release
Rapid eLearning In The New Age Of L&D
Have you ever wondered how the use of rapid eLearning significantly impacts business results? Get answers to all your questions!

Problem Statement

ABC Inc. is facing challenges with its current training initiatives. Traditional training methods do not keep pace with their business requirements, are costly, and low on employee engagement. Additionally, the lack of scalability and flexibility makes it challenging to keep up with the ever-changing business environment.

Suggested Solution: The Rapid eLearning Way

The L&D team of ABC Inc. has decided to go ahead with rapid eLearning implementation to overcome these challenges. The team now needs the rapid eLearning implementation toolkit to make a winning business case. And this is what it includes.

Discovery Questions

Discovery questions are important because they help uncover important information and insights that might otherwise be missed or overlooked. So, here are a few questions you need to ask your stakeholders – before you get started with rapid eLearning. This will help you get their buy-in and identify the right solution.

1. Internal Mobility

2. Global Training

3. Hybrid Workforce

4. Existing Investments

5. Existing Content

6. Learner Demographics

7. Formats

Cost-Benefit Analysis

The next step in the rapid eLearning implementation toolkit is to show stakeholders the cost-benefit analysis. This is an important tool to understand the pros and cons associated with a particular project, investment, or decision. The implementation of rapid eLearning offers numerous benefits, including:

Increased Efficiency And Cost Savings

Rapid eLearning tools – authoring tools and AI-enabled tools – allow for the development of custom courses in a fraction of the time and cost compared to traditional methods.

Improved Employee Engagement

Interactive, immersive strategies result in higher levels of employee engagement and retention of information.


With the ability to quickly develop and roll out new courses, or update legacy courses, an organization can keep up with changing business requirements and training needs.


Rapid eLearning can help with ROI (Return on Investment) by reducing development and deployment costs and reusing existing assets. It ensures employees are trained on new skills, knowledge, and best practices, leading to better business outcomes.

Areas Of Application

The next focus area of the rapid eLearning implementation toolkit demonstrates the versatility of rapid eLearning – its suitability to various training topics. Here are some popular topics that rapid eLearning facilitates well.

Infrastructure And Team Requirements

Infrastructure and team requirements are important because they provide the foundation for successful project delivery and team performance. Taking stock of these issues will help you identify if you have these resources in-house, would want to invest in them, or would want to partner with a rapid eLearning outsourcing vendor.

Technical Infrastructure

To implement rapid eLearning, here’s what’s needed:


Rapid eLearning design and development requires resources skilled in several areas, including:

Evaluation Checklist For Successful Rapid eLearning Implementation

All these lead us to the evaluation checklist – to assess the quality, effectiveness, and impact of rapid eLearning. Your checklist should consider the following points:


The implementation of rapid eLearning offers organizations a flexible and scalable solution for employee training and development. Follow this implementation toolkit and get a nod from your C Suite!

Download the eBook Rapid eLearning In The New Age Of L&D today to uncover the secrets for launching a successful rapid eLearning program that doesn't compromise on quality.

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