The Ultimate New-Hire Onboarding Checklist

The Ultimate New-Hire Onboarding Checklist

The Ultimate New-Hire Onboarding Checklist

How To Organize A Rich Onboarding Experience For New Hires

If you wait until an employee’s first day to start their onboarding, you’re missing a great opportunity to get a head start on completing setup tasks and building connections. The following items make good use of the week prior to a new hire’s start date and help them hit the ground running.

eBook Release
The Pillars Of Strategic Employee Onboarding
Discover ideas about how to implement a flexible, effective onboarding program that can improve retention rates, help new hires hit the ground running, and start to build connections before the new employee’s first day on the job.

Checklist For New Hire Onboarding

1. Arrange Technical Setup

2. Initiate HR Setup

3. Manage Job-Specific Tasks

First Day

The first day for a new hire can be overwhelming unless it’s carefully planned. The following items can help create a great first impression and set the new employee up for success.

1. Welcome The New Hire

2. Conduct Orientation

3. Review Job-Specific Information

First Week

Planned, structured onboarding that extends beyond the first day can keep the momentum going and help the new hire stay on track. Use the following tasks to structure the first week and lay out the new hire’s future with your organization.

First Month And Beyond

It's a good idea to plan for ongoing onboarding activities that extend for as long as six months post-hire to make sure new hires stay on track. The following items can build a firm foundation for future growth.


Effective onboarding creates connections, clarifies expectations, and shows new hires that your company wants them to succeed. Time investment can result in a payoff of commitment and performance as new employees grow into their roles and become the peer mentors and organization ambassadors who welcomed them on board.

Download the eBook The Pillars Of Strategic Employee Onboarding for insider secrets to launching a new hire training program that's adaptive, personalized, and perfectly suited for your modern workforce. Also, join the webinar to discover how onboarding drives business success!

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