5 Tips To Develop Conflict Resolution Skills In Online Training

5 Tips To Develop Conflict Resolution Skills In Online Training
Summary: Are your employees always at odds with each other? Do they know how to appease an unhappy customer? In this article, I’ll share 5 tips to improve conflict resolution skills through online training.

How To Develop Conflict Resolution Skills In Online Training

In past centuries, most people solved their problems with wars rather than words. There were duels, quick draws, and a variety of other aggressive approaches. Today, we have come a long way. We use technology to live more amicably, largely by staying online and out of one another’s way. However, not everything needs to be solved by hiding behind a computer. Sometimes, that very tool becomes the thing that helps us create common ground. Here are a few suggestions on how to use online tools for developing conflict resolution skills in online training.

1. Listen Without Looking

In most online training courses, corporate learners interact with pre-recorded clips and text-based online training materials. They don’t have the benefit of a live instructor or a video feed. Use this to your advantage by developing voice-only simulations. Without non-verbal cues, corporate learners will have to rely strictly on voice feedback. They will have to really listen to the other party, find common ground, and negotiate. This is a great way to teach active listening. Corporate learners will train themselves in noticing vocal nuances, pauses, word choices, and other helpful hints. If the corporate learners can internalize these skills, they can apply them even when they are re-introduced to visual cues. Teach them to repeat information in the form of a differently phrased question. This proves comprehension, which can be a good way to show empathy and create rapport.

2. Use The Art Of Bargaining

Solving disagreements is basically a complex, high level form of bargaining. The situation starts with everyone trying to get the best deal. They don’t actively think about how the deal will affect the other party. They are out for themselves. In a haggle, both sides will push their agenda until they reach a deal that’s mutually acceptable. When you’re faced with a conflict, take the approach of finding a solution that works for both parties. In online training courses, begin with a purchase simulation, quibbling over a discount. Then, switch up the setting and explain that instead of discussing money, you are now discussing who gets the corner office. The same rules of bargaining apply, so guide corporate learners to re-apply those skills to the current situation. Since the arguments will still be fresh, it will be easier to translate them to this new scenario. This exercise helps corporate learners apply their negotiation and conflict resolution skills in a variety of contexts.

3. Recognize Bullying Behavior

In the real world, bullying is easy to spot. It generally takes the form of physical attacks or deprivation of property. Online, bullying is much subtler and harder to identify. Use the finer points of human behavior to point out bullies and trolls. For example, offer a few statements or scenarios, then prompt corporate learners to explore their reactions. Do the scenarios make them feel sad happy, appreciated, threatened? Don’t ask employees to figure out why they feel that way. They simply need to figure out how they feel. This will help them recognize when they feel bullied or judged. From there, run online training simulations using conflict resolution tactics to deal with the bully. Use realistic situations and characters. For example, an unknown colleague takes your lunch out the fridge and eats it. Devise a clever way to find out who it was. What will you do when you identify them?

4. Develop Video Demos

A lot of online training happens in the form of videos, and this can be a good channel for conflict resolution. While a basic video simulation can seem unrealistic, you can get corporate learners involved through direct engagement. Play the video with a start-stop approach. Get to a certain point, then stop the video and prompt them to react. Before the video model responds to a conflict, ask the learner. Get them to explain what they would do, and how they think it would turn out. They can fill gaps or select from multiple choices. Invite them to be open and unconventional in their responses. The video can then continue, showing what actually happened. This exercise broadens their minds beyond the scripted response. It widens their perspective, helping them get creative and see other ways a situation can develop. Being open to alternatives is a key skill in conflict resolution.

5. Put Interpersonal Skills Into Practice With Group Collaboration Projects

Invite corporate learners to divide into team, and then work together to solve a common problem. They must use a broad range of interpersonal skills to get along and devise a plan. Then, use the resources at their disposal to create an online presentation. Project Management online platforms can help them stay in touch and keep track of assignments. These group online training activities also give them the power to see conflict resolution skills in action. When disagreements arise, they must be able to handle the situation internally and respect one another’s viewpoints. Encourage them to evaluate the collaborative experience after the fact to identify areas for improvement. For example, the leader should have played a more active role or active listened to the concerns of the group.

Sorting out disagreements is a regular part of the adult experience. Unlike children, we can’t just throw tantrums and beat each other up. Not if we want to succeed in our careers. Online training courses are a good way to develop conflict resolution skills. Practice simulations where only vocal stimuli is used, to teach acute observation and nuance. Bargain your way out of tricky situations. Spot a bully and deal with them innovatively. Apply these simple tactics and you can effectively use online training to sharpen the negotiation skills of your employees.

Gamifying your eLearning course can help online learners build vital problem-solving skills, as it gives them the opportunity to explore real word challenges in a supportive learning environment. Read the article 7 eLearning Gamification Tips To Enhance Problem Solving Skills to discover 7 tips to impart problem-solving skills through eLearning gamification.