How To Facilitate Interpersonal Skills In Corporate eLearning
Knowledge will only get you so far. Every day your employees interact with friends, peers, and co-workers. Each conversation is an opportunity to expand their skills and discover new ideas. However, it all depends on their ability to communicate and empathize with those around them. They must be able to work together, resolve conflicts, and form meaningful connections on a daily basis. Here are a 8 helpful tips to facilitate interpersonal skills in corporate eLearning.
1. Incorporate Branching Scenarios To Build Communication Skills
Branching scenarios feature real world situations and characters. Employees must make decisions along the way that lead them down a specific path. They also have the opportunity to interact with eLearning personas that they might encounter in everyday life. For example, an unhappy customer wants to return an item but doesn't have their receipt. The employee must diffuse the situation by using their communication skills, which achieves the desired outcome. Branching scenarios can also help employees communicate with their co-workers more effectively. Instead of customer personas, incorporate co-worker archetypes and situations they might find in the workplace.
2. Use Online Training Simulations To Build Conflict Resolution Skills
Most of us avoid conflict at all costs. We don't like to ruffle any feathers, especially those that belong to our co-workers. Online training simulations allow your employees to improve their conflict resolution skills by immersing them in challenging situations. This equips them with the information and experience they need to stay calm, cool, and collected in the real world. For maximum effect, incorporate lifelike images, sounds, and eLearning characters. You want them to feel the stress building so that they know how to react under pressure.
3. Set A Real World Example
One of the biggest obstacles for developing interpersonal skills is taking it from theory to practice. Employees are aware of how they should handle the situation, but aren't able to apply that knowledge in real life. This is because the online training is out of context. However, real world examples have the power to personalize the process and emphasize the importance of these soft skills. They can see how communication, collaboration, and teamwork can be used in practical settings. It also offers employees an example to follow, such as favorable behaviors they can apply to their management approach.
4. Promote Empathy Through Online Discussions
Employees must be able to respect the opinions of others, even if they don't agree with them. Online discussions help them empathize with their peers so that they're able to see things from a new perspective. Online forums, social media groups, and eLearning blogs serve as ideal online discussion platforms. In fact, you can even create a topic schedule to open up the lines of communication. For example, explore a new task or work-related issue every week. Employees get the opportunity to ask questions and share their opinions. In addition, they're able to evaluate their own cognitions and challenge assumptions, which leads to personal growth.
5. Focus On Project Management And Team Building
There are times when group online projects are part of the job description. Which can be challenging for those who prefer to work alone. Divide your online employees into small groups and assign an online project, such as developing a blog or an online presentation. They must work together and use the resources that are available to produce a finished product. There are a variety of Project Management online platforms that can streamline the process. This software features group online calendars, notifications, task assignments, and messaging tools. By the end of the online assignment they will have a better understanding of their colleagues and stronger teamwork skills.
6. Tell Them A Story
Another way to build empathy and respect among your workforce is to incorporate emotionally-compelling stories. Include eLearning characters that resonate with them on a deeper level and elicit a particular response. For example, an antagonist who mistreats their colleagues and admonishes their viewpoints. These stories stress the value of interpersonal skills and make them more relatable. Employees can see the skills in action, as well as the repercussions of NOT developing these vital abilities. Make your story even more interactive and immersive by using video, images, and other multimedia. For instance, transform a text-based narrative into a serious game.
7. Cultivate A Supportive Online Learning Community
You must provide employees with the support they need if you expect them to support their co-workers. Some situations call for more drastic measures. For example, a conflict may spiral out of control and the current protocols aren't effective. As a result, employees can turn to their online learning community for guidance. They can reach out to their colleagues, managers, and supervisors to get their input. These online learning communities also allow them to build skills they are lacking and access additional resources. For instance, webinars, podcasts, and online training videos that offer conflict resolution tips.
8. Offer Mentorship Opportunities
Mentorship programs allow employees to work one-on-one with more knowledgeable peers. However, both parties benefit from the experience. This is due to the fact that EVERY employee brings something to the table. They each have unique skills and knowledge that they share with those around them. Survey your employees beforehand to find ideal pairings, and then create guidelines to keep each team on track. If necessary, develop mentoring contracts to hold employees accountable and set standards. Specify how often the team should meet, which tools are available, and important progress milestones.
Incorporating interpersonal skills online training into your corporate eLearning strategy can improve productivity and employee retention. This is attributed to the fact that employees get a more well-rounded online training experience that equips them for everyday life. As such, they are happier and more satisfied in the workplace.
Does your online training course feature all the essentials? Read the article 10 Online Training Activities To Include In EVERY Corporate eLearning Course to discover the top online training activities that EVERY corporate eLearning course should have.