5 Tips To Make A Business Case For Offline Mobile Learning Support

5 Tips To Make A Business Case For Offline Mobile Learning Support
Summary: Your remote workforce is one of your biggest business assets. Are you keeping them properly informed? In this article, I share 5 tips to make a successful business case for offline mobile learning.

How To Make A Business Case For Offline Mobile Learning

Is a system with offline mobile learning support a sound investment? Once upon a time, everyone worked in an office, except for the sales team. They were given new products to sell every so often, and they came in once a year or so for a sales conference or Christmas Party. They were an important part of the business – without them, there would be no customer contact. But were they integrated? Not really. Now, we can use every online collaboration tool imaginable to include remote employees in internal communications. But without receiving consistent training, they can never feel truly incorporated into the company's strategy. That’s where offline mobile learning technology comes into play.

Offline Mobile Learning: The Basics

A well-researched LMS can provide remote employees with the opportunity to download online training resources and access them when they require. In comparison with other LMSs, offline mobile learning doesn’t require a constant web connection, so it saves on data costs. Synchronization takes place whenever the corporate learner is connected to the business network (in the home or business office, for example). Some L&D leaders worry that offline mobile learning means the end to data collection and analysis, impacting on strategic reporting. This is no longer the case. Many LMS vendors now make use of object-based technologies (SCORM), to ensure their systems interact seamlessly with other corporate systems. That means assessments and usage data can be harvested once synchronized. An online training course is simply downloaded, accessed offline, and then the LMS is automatically updated when reconnected.

Offline Mobile Learning: The Best Bits

Whilst no system is perfect, offline mobile learning support has the edge when it comes to reaching remote corporate learners. Over other methods of online training, there are many advantages:

  • New hires can start onboarding before their start date. Delays in onboarding can be demotivating and lead to a poor first impression.
  • Online training content must be as compact and economical as possible. Online training, therefore, takes less time, as does the development of online training materials. An offline approach is a great motivator in streamlining training content.
  • Corporate learners with a disability or long-term illnesses can access offline mobile learning resources. This can make a huge difference in keeping employees informed and engaged.
  • Course completion and assessment data can be synced once the employee is back online. This gives a rich resource which would not be available if remote employees were excluded from online training.
  • Replace face-to-face with a more immersive, interactive online training experience. Simulations, for example, allow corporate learners to test out their learning in a real-world style scenario.

Making An Effective Business Case

If you’ve got a substantial remote workforce to reach in your organization, building a business case for offline mobile learning isn’t difficult. Just focus on these five top benefits:

1. Cost Savings

A solid business case for any LMS, offline or otherwise, should center on the decreased cost of training. In a remote workforce, the cost saving of moving from classroom or office-based training to offline are often huge. Travel expenses are no longer an issue. Your employees can simply download the online training content and access it from anywhere in the globe, rather than having to attend face-to-face training sessions.

2. User Experience

A cleverly-designed LMS will allow corporate learners to experience their online training in a brand-new way. Offline learning can still be just as interactive and engaging as any other online training course. Corporate learners are also more engaged, thanks to the fact that they get the information they need when it’s most convenient. And when they are free of any distractions that may hinder immersion and emotional connectivity.

3. Corporate Learner Reach

Offline mobile learning gives corporate learners the power to decide how, when and where to participate. Implementing an online training strategy that includes remote employees gives them a stronger sense of inclusion and personal value. However, even in-house employees benefit from offline mobile LMSs, given that they have the flexibility to train outside work hours. Or to access "moment of need" support resources in Wi-Fi free areas.

4. Deeper Knowledge And Skills

Giving remote corporate learners the power to control their own online training experience will invest themselves more fully. Their adoption rates will be higher, leading to improved skills in practice. They retain the takeaways because there aren’t any time constraints or chaotic working environments to contend with. For example, employees can participate in online training when they’re in the right headspace instead of during peak stress points throughout the workday.

5. Broader Product, Organization And Compliance Awareness

Remote employees are often the most customer-facing part of the company, but the least engaged or well informed. Better understanding of safety, regulation, and corporate issues has an important impact on employee engagement. This, in turn, leads to a better customer experience. They’re able to view knowledge refreshers to improve their compliance knowledge. Such as infographics or demos to avoid COI violations before a client meeting.


Investing in an LMS that supports offline mobile learning is about priorities. If your workforce is often away from the office base, then you need to consider implementing a mobile offline learning strategy. You must ensure that the technology you use is fit for purpose and can be accessed anytime, anywhere. Build a responsive system so that the online training materials display as expected on any device. Make the online training courses downloadable, so corporate learners don’t need expensive or inaccessible data to complete online training courses in a flexible way. Ensure online training materials can sync both ways, so that data can be captured for analysis and reporting. Don’t fall into the habit of loading remote employees with the burden of making online training work for themselves. Empower them and reap the benefits of their increased skills, brand commitment, and engagement.

Find the ideal offline mobile learning LMS in our online directory. You can also filter results based on other essential selling points, such as features, intended use, and pricing model.

Originally published on March 4, 2021