Top 5 eLearning Communities At Google+ That You Should Join

Top 5 eLearning Communities At Google+ That You Should Join
Summary: Do you believe that it is important to talk about stuff you are into with professionals who love it too? Are you interested in educational technology, eLearning development, and Massive Open Online Courses?

The Top 5 Google+ eLearning Communities

Are you passionate about eLearning? The online thing that you should do is to join the conversation! You can share photos and videos, ask for professional help, plan events or even have face-to-face discussions. Find which community perfectly much your interests or join them all.

1. Instructional Design & E-Learning Professionals' Group
Do you want to network with instructional designers and elearning professionals? The Instructional Design and eLearning Professionals' Group connects professionals in the field of Instructional Design and eLearning. Join us today!

2. Technology in Education
Home for discussion, collaboration and sharing of resources on Technology in Education.

3. EdTech
A community of education professionals, technologists, students, and anyone else interested in sharing discussion of all things tech in education.

4. eLearning Development
Discuss and share your thoughts, strategies, tips, and experience developing online training and learning solutions. This is a community for developers, designers, and others interested in all forms of online and connected learning, including web based, mobile and social learning.

5. Massive Open Online Courses
Free Learning

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Originally published on January 3, 2013