5 Tips To Track VILT Compliance Training
Virtual instructor-led training benefits have been applied to compliance training to make it more efficient and engaging. However, if you want your organization to benefit from VILT compliance training, monitoring its progress is crucial. Take a look at these tips on tracking VILT compliance training and get the best results for your business.
How To Track VILT Compliance Initiatives
1. Create Learner Profiles
Each learner in your organization should have a personal profile where their complete compliance training history is recorded, specifically, numbers of courses passed, completed and pending certifications, score results, compliance training deadlines, etc. This will provide you with easy and direct access to each employee’s progress. Once you have created learner profiles, user dashboards can be introduced to allow employees to track their own performance discreetly. At the same time, you can incorporate leaderboards into the mix to bring out a necessary spirit of healthy and constructive competition within your organization.
2. Compliance Certifications
Certifications must have a permanent spot at the top of your priority list, as their timely completion ensures that your organization is always audit-ready. However, you can also use certifications to keep tabs on the progress of VILT compliance training. For example, after a series of virtual instructor-led compliance courses, your employees are asked to complete a compliance certification. If there is a high completion rate, you can be certain that the compliance training is indeed bringing in the desired results. Accordingly, poor results will be your cue to reconsider your approach. Given the need to constantly have up-to-date certifications, it would be beneficial to opt for an LMS that automatically reassigns certifications when they expire.
3. Self-Knowledge Checks
Certifications and score results allow you to monitor learning progress in a practical and measurable way. However, gauging knowledge development from the perspective of your team remains crucial. You can achieve that by administering self-knowledge checks made up of questions designed to help employees determine their knowledge level regarding a specific topic. Don’t make this about right and wrong answers. Focus on identifying areas in need of improvement in order to adapt future training accordingly. You can also add a few learner satisfaction questions. For instance, what do they like about VILT compliance training, and what could be done differently? This will make your employees feel appreciated and engage more in the training process, as a whole.
4. Observe Employees In Real-Life Situations
Although VILT compliance training is more interactive and immersive than a traditional instructor-led course, it still differs greatly from an actual workday. Testing your employees in real-life situations is a great way to ensure that theory does indeed translate into practice. The trick is mimicking these realistic environments so that managers don't have to look over employees' shoulders. So, create simulations or branching scenarios that will test your staffer’s decision-making skills following the completion of a compliance course. Have they comprehended this newly acquired knowledge? Did they implement it successfully in a simulation that resembles a real-life situation they handled poorly before the VILT compliance training? When you are certain that the training can successfully convey new information to learners, then you can expect it to bring in a positive ROI and increased efficiency.
5. Peer Discussions
As we mentioned earlier, VILT brings the great benefit of directness in the “virtual classroom.” In other words, learners are able to ask the instructor any question and have it immediately answered. Simultaneously, they can communicate with each other, discuss scenarios and approaches, or even work in teams to solve exercises. These less structured discussions among trainee employees can provide you with qualitative data about the way VILT compliance training affects their modus operandi. For example, you can observe a peer discussion regarding the latest safety compliance training. Have all the employees comprehended the material that was taught? Do they seem prepared to apply the training in real life? An added benefit is giving them the opportunity to collaborate and evaluate different perspectives. For instance, maybe their current sales technique needs some work and discussions allow them to gather valuable insights from a top performer.
VILT compliance training is a necessary tool for your organization. However, to be absolutely sure that you’re enjoying the full benefits, you need to track its progress. A few of the options include monitoring test results and certification success rates, observing employees in real-life situations, and analyzing peer discussions. Follow these tips and let VILT compliance training make your organization more compliant and efficient than ever.
If you're looking for a compliance training LMS that doesn't disappoint in the reporting department, Adobe Captivate Prime is the ideal solution. It delivers the total analytical package, from granular reporting and compliance dashboards to My Team Overview.
Download the eBook Are You Audit-Ready? How To Deliver A Seamless And Scalable Compliance Training Program to learn how to launch a compliance training strategy that gets results and boosts remote employee engagement.