8 Essential Metrics To Use For Tracking Employee Training

8 Essential Metrics To Use For Tracking Employee Training

8 Essential Metrics To Use For Tracking Employee Training

Tracking Employee Training: 8 Essential Metrics You Should Use

When it comes to tracking employee training via eLearning, what do you actually need to be tracking? Is it just enough to know who has attended which training sessions? Here are the 8 things we think you need to track when it comes to eLearning in order to get a clearer picture of your internal training offering.

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1. Time Staff Is Spending On Training

When you set up an eLearning course, you will have a rough idea of how much time it should take a staff member to work their way through the course. This will obviously differ from person to person, as people will learn at different rates, but if you are noticing considerable inconsistencies in the amount of time staff are taking to work their way through the course, then you may have a problem.

If the staff is completing the course in a very short amount of time, chances are they are not engaging with the content and won’t retain much of the information. In fact, they could just be skipping all the main content and, merely, doing the assessment at the end!

Equally, if team members are taking much longer than you thought to complete the training, this could also point to a problem. Perhaps, the content is too complicated, or the staff is finding it hard to complete the assessments at the end because the actual training didn’t provide them with enough understanding.

2. Time Staff Is Engaging With Training

It’s important to look at not only how much time staff is spending on the training but also how much time they actually spend engaging with it. Someone may open the course on their computer and then get distracted by something else, making it look as if they spent hours in the training when in reality, they didn’t.

The difference between time spent and time engaging will allow you to see how long it really takes to complete the course, and whether the staff is taking the time to complete the course thoroughly.

3. Time Spent On Each Module

As well as time spent on the overall course, it’s vital to look at the time spent on each module as well. If the staff is spending a long time on one particular module, it could also point to a problem. Perhaps, the content is quite challenging to understand, and people are struggling to finish this section of the course.

Keeping an eye on things like this, when you're tracking employee training, will allow you to spot patterns and problems when they appear and take steps toward fixing them as quickly as possible.

4. Competition Rates For All Your Courses

While staff may sign up for a lot of training courses, it’s a good idea to track how many people actually finish those courses. This can be especially true for additional training you set up which staff can sign up to, if they are interested in that particular topic. There’s no point in running lots of training courses which seem popular when lots of people sign up to them, but then never finish, as it’s just a waste of time and money for your business.

It also allows you to create a report of all the training courses that still need to be finished in a certain time period and chase those staff members to ensure they meet their deadlines.

5. Drop-Offs

If people are failing to complete your training courses, you may want more details about the possible reasons why this is happening. What are the drop-off rates for each of your courses? If there are particular courses with quite a high drop-off rate, it could be a problem with that particular course, so it would be a good idea for you to review it.

Looking at the point in the course where people start to drop off is equally important. Is it a particular module or a certain assessment that is causing people to turn their back on the training? Again, this gives you a chance to review your content and see if you can spot any problems.

6. Assessment Scores Per Module

If you have mini-assessments throughout your eLearning courses, you want to be able to report on those scores per module, to see what the overall trend is for each assessment. You want to make sure the assessments are challenging the students’ knowledge, but also they can’t be so complicated that no one is passing them.

Being able to see the overall results will give you more insight into how your assessments are performing and whether you need to rework them.

7. Overall Assessment Scores

When tracking employee training, you need to be able to see the overall assessment results for the end-of-course assessments. Again, this lets you review the assessments to see if they are effective, but it also gives you a record of all the assessment scores and how many people have passed that particular training course.

8. Resit Rates

Finally, it’s a good idea to see how many people have to re-sit assessments in order to pass the course. This could show that there is a problem with your course content, as perhaps you aren’t providing your students with the information they need to be able to pass the assessment at the end.

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