6 Challenges When Tracking Employee Training

6 Challenges When Tracking Employee Training
Summary: Find out what 6 of the most common challenges are when it comes to tracking employee training, and how training tracking software can help!

Tracking Employee Training Can Be Challenging

If you are running the internal training for a large company, it can be easy to lose track of all the training details you need to keep a record of quite quickly.

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Here are just some of the challenges you can come across when it comes to tracking employee training, and how you can use training tracking software to overcome them!

1. Tracking Classroom-Based Sessions

It can be challenging to track who has actually attended classroom-based sessions in your business for a number of reasons:

  • You rely not only on instructors filling out attendance records but also on them then passing that information on to your internal training team, who will then have to record it somewhere. This can easily be forgotten or misplaced.
  • Staff may sign up for training and then not actually be able to attend on the day, meaning you can’t work off the list of sign-ups to know who attended.

Using training tracking software can be a much easier way to mark student attendance as you can simply give your instructors a login to your system, and they will be able to mark the attending students directly on the course information page. This information can then be instantly accessed by your internal training team and saved for future reference.

2. Tracking eLearning

Tracking eLearning also presents its own set of problems, as you may need to rely on your students telling you when they have completed an eLearning course, and then you need to record that information somewhere to ensure it’s kept on record.

If you use training tracking software that is part of a larger Training Management System, it will mean you should have an integrated Learning Management System (LMS) as well. This means you can use the training tracking software to track your eLearning with ease!

Simply set up all the courses you want your staff to complete within your LMS, and your training tracking software will automatically track their progress through each of the training courses, all without creating any additional manual work.

3. Tracking Assessment Results

If you have lots of team members completing training at the same time, it can be a challenge to keep track of all their assessment scores for future reference. This could be final assessments which are needed to see if they passed a course or not, or mini-assessments which are completed throughout the course to check for understanding.

Again, this can be especially the key for eLearning, where it’s important to know how your students are doing on mini-assessments to make sure they understand the course material as they go along.

Training tracking software can make this process much easier and ensure that you never lose track of an assessment score again.

When it comes to classroom-based assessments your instructors can easily enter the assessment results into your training tracking software when they are marking the assessment. This will mean it’s saved on record straight away and your training administration team will be able to access it when the time comes to send certificates out.

Your training tracking software will also be able to automatically track any assessments that are completed as part of eLearning to ensure you always have a complete overview of how your students are doing.

4. Knowing Sticking Points In Courses

It can be challenging with eLearning to know when your students are having trouble with the material. Unlike classroom-based sessions, when they will have a lot of face-to-face time with instructors, with eLearning problems may go unnoticed.

Tracking employee training with training tracking software means you will always know exactly where in a training course each student is. This will allow you to see if a student is stuck on a particular point in the course for longer than you would have expected. If they don’t come to you with a problem, this will allow you to see when an issue starts to present itself and offer the student additional support before it gets any worse.

5. Knowing The Date Training Was Completed

It’s imperative that you know not only what training all your staff have completed, but also when they completed it. This could be because the training has been updated and needs to be resit by students who completed the training a certain amount of time ago, or it could be because the training expires and needs to be resit every two years to remain valid.

It’s also handy for knowing just how long ago a staff member attended a particular training course, as they could just use a refresher if it was quite a long time ago.

Training tracking software makes it simple to keep track of when training was completed, as instructors can enter it directly into the system, or you can track the date a certificate was issued.

6. Knowing When Training Needs To Be Resit

As we mentioned above, sometimes staff will need to resit the same training at regular intervals to ensure they remain certified in that particular topic. It can be hard to keep track of this, but training tracking software can make this element of tracking employee training much easier.

Once you’ve recorded the finish date of a particular training course, you can use your system to run a report to see which training is going to expire soon to make sure you never miss a resit date.

You can also set up an automated communication to send a month before the training is due to expire, to ensure both you and the students in question get a reminder that they need to schedule that training soon.

Originally published on December 18, 2018