How To Use Your eLearning Superpowers

How To Use Your eLearning Superpowers

How To Use Your eLearning Superpowers

eLearning Superpowers: What’s That?  

Teaching online already involves several non-negotiable core skills. At the very least, you’ll need to be:

A genuine passion for teaching and a healthy dose of patience also help. That’s not a bad skill set.

But there’s one more thing you bring to the eLearning table: your personality.

This is your X factor. Your personal characteristics give you a unique communication advantage. When you show your personality, you’re transformed from a faceless online teacher, to a flesh-and-blood educator who inspires and supports your students to achieve.

Your Personality Is The Source Of Your eLearning Superpowers 

Using the power of your personality in your teaching can help achieve two worthwhile results. It can:

  1. Help create better outcomes for your students.
  2. Allow your work to be a natural expression of who you really are.

And you don’t even need to wear your underpants on the outside.

So What’s Your eLearning Superpower? 

Off the top of your head, what are your 3 strongest personality traits? What are you known for? What are you best at?

Once you’ve identified those traits, you simply need to strategically apply them to your teaching practice.

Here are some examples of how you can recognize and amplify particular personal qualities to add real value to the eLearning process.

Take a moment to identify your own dominant characteristics. How do they make you unique as an online teacher?

How can you use your eLearning Superpowers for good – to benefit your students and to make teaching online more rewarding for you?

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