Using Rapid eLearning Solutions To Transition To Online Learning

Rapid eLearning Solutions For Online Learning
Mascha Tace/
Summary: As many businesses are forced to close their doors, new opportunities arise online. In this article, I share 8 tips and tricks to use rapid eLearning solutions to switch to virtual training on a tight budget.

Master Online Learning With Rapid eLearning

In times of uncertainty, successful organizations are still able to make the best of bad situations and double-down on their business objectives to build a stronger sense of community and reduce stress on their—newly—remote workforce. Top-notch rapid eLearning authoring tools, web conferencing platforms, and eLearning outsourcing partners reduce the implementation timeline. But where do you even begin? How do you make the leap from on-site ILT sessions to online training with limited resources? Below are 8 insider secrets to use rapid eLearning solutions to smooth the transition to online learning without further delay. There’s no time like the present to launch your virtual training strategy and get your L&D program back on track.

eBook Release: Remote Work And Virtual Training In Aid Of Corporations Worldwide
eBook Release
Remote Work And Virtual Training In Aid Of Corporations Worldwide
Launch a virtual training strategy for your newly remote workforce.

1. Use Web Conferencing Tools For L&D Brainstorming Sessions

Video conferencing platforms are one of the most crucial components of your new virtual training strategy. L&D staffers are now home-bound, but that doesn’t mean they can’t work together to develop fresh eLearning content, as well as track online training initiatives and revise existing online training resources. The web conferencing software makes it easy for them to brainstorm, provide eLearning feedback, and communicate on a daily basis. Though PM platforms can streamline the process, a web conferencing tool brings everyone into the same virtual space. This offers some resemblance of "normalcy" since it’s less formal and multisensory. Things can get lost in translation via email or IM, which doesn’t happen with a rapid eLearning solution like video conferencing.

2. Manage Team Performance With VILT

Many organizations assume that moving online will completely eliminate face-to-face training. That their instructors and facilitators must sit on the sidelines or possibly fill a more minor role, such as hosting occasional live chats with staffers. However, Virtual Instructor-Led Training allows them to play an active part in employee growth. They can schedule live sessions that explore niche topics and skills. Attendees ask questions, exchange ideas, and engage with the online instructors, just as they would in traditional ILT events. But now they can tap into an extensive network of online peers and trainers thanks to VILT.

3. Offer Webinars And Workshops To Build A Better Team Dynamic

Web conferencing software has numerous applications in online training, not just for backend development and collaboration. You can also host live events, webinars, and workshops to strengthen your team and facilitate knowledge sharing. Employees might even step into the role of guest hosts to offer new insights and field co-worker questions. For example, your top sales performer can host a 30-minute discussion about negotiation and overcoming customer apprehensions.

4. Employ Rapid eLearning Authoring Tools To Streamline Content Upkeep

Rapid eLearning authoring tools feature built-in assets, themes, and eLearning templates. This is ideal for organizations that need to deploy targeted online training yesterday. These platforms also help you maintain online training content and make minor revisions. For example, incorporate tips on how to boost productivity when working from home. Or demos that show employees how to modify current tasks or protocols while they’re away from the office.

5. Enable Certification Paths That Personalize Online Training And Pinpoint Gaps

Many Learning Management Systems now support certificate management. This allows you to launch certification paths based on job roles, skills, and tasks. Every member of the team focuses on their core competencies and work responsibilities instead of having to keep up with their peers. These paths also feature maps, progress bars, and checklists to improve the motivation of employee training participants. They see what they’ve accomplished, where they’re heading, and how to address personal pain points.

6. Provide Social Learning Solutions For Coaching, Collaboration, And Community-Building

One of the most challenging aspects of working from home is overcoming the feelings of isolation. Employees are physically disconnected from their peers and the usual work environment. But social learning solutions make them feel like they’re part of something bigger. An online collective where they can find peer coaching, online discussions, social media groups, and other collaborative tools. This cultivates a stronger sense of community among your geographically dispersed workforce.

7. Launch A JIT Online Training Library Using Repurposed Assets

Microlearning is quick to consume, which makes it a great addition to your VILT strategy. Employees attend live events or virtual classroom sessions. Then they can access the JIT online training library to fill in the gaps and improve comprehension. Online instructors can even recommend online training resources after the fact so that employee training participants know where to look. Fortunately, you may already have an online training library full of materials to reduce development costs. Use that rapid eLearning authoring tool I mentioned earlier to repurpose these assets and give them a new lease on life. For instance, an outdated online training manual can become an interactive guide or online module. Another option is to hire an eLearning outsourcing partner to tackle the task on your behalf.

8. Hire eLearning Content Providers To Expedite The Switch

eLearning content providers are an invaluable resource when transitioning to virtual training. They offer a diverse range of rapid eLearning solutions, depending on their area of expertise. For example, some specialize in microlearning while others create VR/AR resources that foster real-world application. Determine which phases of the corporate eLearning project you can handle in-house based on team talents and time constraints. Then delegate the rest to eLearning providers that possess the necessary skills, tools, and insider know-how.

The tricky thing about moving to online training on a tight timeframe is knowing which eLearning tools and techniques are available. Every day your employees go without L&D support is a missed opportunity for growth and top-tier productivity. In the chaos of quarantine, you might be overwhelmed by the sheer amount of work ahead of you. Especially if your entire training program is currently offline. However, this article can help you make the transition with minimal stress and resources. The key is to tackle each phase of the implementation and evaluate all the risks involved. Then move on to the next part of your plan. Employing rapid eLearning solutions does not mean cutting corners or rushing into online training content creation. Conduct a needs analysis and gather team feedback to identify the gaps before you make any major decisions.

Organizations are in need of innovative solutions in order to overcome the challenges of remote working and retain the high quality of their L&D program. The eBook Remote Work And Virtual Training In Aid Of Corporations Worldwide provides insightful tips and secrets on how virtual training can help you keep your team engaged and still achieve your business objectives. Find out how investing in virtual training solutions can eliminate the stress and facilitate the transition to working remotely.

Originally published on May 4, 2020