6 Ways To Ensure Your Online Training Course Passes The QA Test

Online Training QA Test For Your Courses

Online Training QA Test For Your Courses

6 Tips To Find Out If The Online Training QA Test Approves Your Course

Do you hear that? It's the sound of countless employees clicking away from the course thanks to flaws in the design. But it doesn't have to be a corporate eLearning mass exodus. An online training quality assurance (QA) test ensures that minor mistakes don't slip through the cracks and compromise trainee engagement. You also reduce L&D costs, enhance credibility, and make life easier on your development team. It’s a win-win. But how do you take a step back and look at your online training content objectively? These tips can help you maintain quality assurance in your next online course.

1. Roundtable Revisions

Get everyone involved in the revision rounds instead of making it a solo endeavor. Fresh eyes may be able to spot issues you overlooked and offer helpful suggestions. You should get team members from different areas of the organization, ranging from experienced managers to HR employees. Everyone can offer a unique perspective and verify that the online training course engages their respective departments. Make it an event with video conferencing software where collaborators can share ideas in real-time. In fact, you may want to host frequent roundtable sessions after each phase of development, not just at the final stage. That way, you make changes as you go along and don’t have to fix widespread problems that delay the launch and put you over budget.

2. Previous LMS Reports And Surveys

Analyze prior reports and employee surveys to make sure your current course doesn’t repeat those mistakes. For instance, engagement rates dropped the last time you incorporated too much text and not enough simulations and demo videos. Likewise, the surveys you conducted last month revealed that most of your trainees enjoy badges versus points in gamified courses. This data points you in the right direction and helps you continually improve your strategy.

3. Social Media Sneak Previews

Sure, employees may not mark their calendars and look forward to the online training course like it’s a movie premiere. However, you can release social media sneak previews of the content to build buzz and solicit their input. For instance, a two-minute clip of the new demo video or one level of the serious game. Don’t give too much away, because you want them to have something to look forward to. You should also frame the preview with overarching objectives and outcomes so that it’s not fragmented, then ask them to share their honest opinions in the comments section. You can use the same approach for YouTube. Launch a channel exclusively for training sneak previews and invite viewers to provide feedback. Another way to use social media outlets in QA checks is to post an open content call. Encourage employees to submit resources that are ideal for your next course.

4. Employee Focus Groups

Invite a select group of employees, preferably a cross-section of the organization, a few people from each department or job position. Let them participate in your new course to see what they think and if it’s on target. Are there any elements or resources missing? Does the course address personal areas for improvement, or is it too generic? Do they have negative preconceptions about training that you need to consider for your current course? Make the necessary changes based on the focus group results, then invite them back for a follow-up online training QA test. Concentrate on the faults they found during the first round and determine if you need to fine-tune the design further. For instance, there’s still an issue with the level of interactivity, or it doesn’t translate well on the small screen.

5. Re-evaluate Your Objectives

Training quality assurance tests might reveal that there are issues with the underlying objectives and outcomes, not just the design. Take a closer look at your objectives to determine if they’re still relevant and targeted. Bear in mind that your entire course hinges on objective statements. Every activity must support the goals and desired behaviors to serve its purpose. This re-evaluation process allows you to analyze the online training course from a different angle. Instead of focusing on the quality of the content, it’s all about the quality of the framework.

6. Get SME Input

SMEs are usually involved in the beginning phases of eLearning course development. They highlight what needs to be included, why, and the best way to deliver the information. However, they can also play a pivotal role during the training quality assurance test. Welcome them back to review the final draft and see if there are any glaring issues. For example, some inaccurate details made their way into the course design, or one of their key points was misconstrued/misinterpreted by another member of the team. It’s wise to get their sign-off before publishing the course, just in case they have further recommendations. They’re also experienced with the subject matter, so they can highlight areas that may cause cognitive overload or employee confusion. As an example, you need to add graphs or charts to provide some background information.

Does your online training course live up to organizational (and employee) standards? Or is there still some work to be done before it’s ready for staff consumption? These QA testing techniques prepare your content for launch and ensure that everything is in place, but it also gets employees excited about upcoming training opportunities since they play an active role in the revision process and get a sneak preview of the course. So, don’t edit in isolation. Make it a team effort so that everyone can offer their input and make their voices heard.

Do you need some help with Training Needs Analysis before you conduct the final QA check? Choose an eLearning content provider who can provide an outside perspective and offer unbiased suggestions for your online training program.

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