Why To Opt For A Learning Management System For Safety Training
What is compliance training and where do learning technologies fit into the big picture—and your bottom line? It can be tricky to see it under pressure, but most compliance laws are set up for our own good. They’re designed for our physical safety and legal protection (e.g., driving only with kids in their car seats) or they’re curated to extend the viability of your equipment by minimizing maintenance and repair costs. When these requirements are assembled externally, they may not be covered in depth. So it's better to create your own online training content and layout via an in-house LMS. You can craft it in a way that contextually makes sense to your team.
7 Convincing Reasons Why You Should Implement A Compliance Training LMS
1. Quality Control
When you buy something at a shop or a restaurant, it involves a measure of trust. You have to believe their gluten-free bread actually lacks gluten, for example. Building your own online training course gives you full control. You'll understand what compliance training is upon getting to decide exactly what goes into the online course—and what doesn’t. This assures better quality overall. With commercial courses, you probably pay extra if you want certain topics added or removed. These topics could be crucial to your organization’s well-being. With a compliance training LMS, you can make all these adjustments with no additional expense. It’s also easier to tweak because you have in-depth knowledge of available tools and features.
2. Consistent Updates
By getting to know what compliance training is, you'll comprehend that there are different categories for compliance. Some are basic safety matters, like correct equipment usage or the existence of safety gear (fire extinguishers, gloves, goggles, spare wheels, first aid kits, etc.). Others are more regulation-driven, and these can shift with every new regional law. Even with safety requirements, there may be changes in technology or policy that require a different approach. With a compliance training LMS, you can review market responses and update your online training course as and when needed, as well as revising online training content to account for new company policies so that employees are always in line with your brand.
3. Maintaining Timelines
One of the biggest problems with compliance is cutting it too close. In many sectors, compliance certificates are issued once a year. And yet we consistently wait until the last two weeks to rush through everything. Pre-built online training courses may not be as well-equipped in keeping you on deadline. With compliance training software, you can program in notifications to remind both your staff and your content team about compliance cut-off dates. You can begin to alert your staff 2 or 3 months earlier. Then stagger the online training course to be studied for over 3 months instead of 3 days. Monitor their performance and tweak online training materials accordingly.
4. Customizing Organizational Needs
While you learn what compliance training is, you deal with matters that have both macro and micro levels. The macro segment may apply to all organizations within your sector. Micro regulations may vary by business, or even by department. For example, your delivery crew might have more access to office vehicles than, say, your customer care staff. Moreover, your receptionist may have a bigger phone plan than your warehouse workers—receptionists have more reason to make official calls. Using a compliance training LMS rather than "shop-bought" online training courses facilitates customization. You can tweak compliance requirements based on your team members' needs and their job descriptions.
5. Following Up On Individual Corporate Learners
Corporate learners have a notion of what compliance training is more as a matter of appearance. You finish the online training course and get the certificate, but you don’t implement measures in any meaningful way. Shifting attitudes begins with your employees. By tracking their progress through the online training course, you can spot problem areas. Units that took too long to complete show potentially dense online training material. Assessment tests that fail repeatedly can be exposing a lack of comprehension. Online training via an LMS allows for close monitoring so you can spot the gaps more quickly. It also gives scope for personalized resources aimed at particular employees.
6. Reduce Work-Related Incidents
The most obvious answer to "what's compliance training?" is probably upholding safety standards. Every member of your team must know which part they play in emergency preparedness. But they also need to be aware of the negative repercussions of violating the rules and regulations. A compliance training LMS allows you to immerse them in real-world situations to learn from their mistakes. For example, what happens if they mishandle a product that makes a consumer ill?
7. Keep Your Top Talent
Your top talent may not relish the idea of mandatory training. In fact, if you ask them what compliance training is, most of them will think of boring lectures and long manuals. However, a compliance training LMS gives you the opportunity to keep them engaged and give them the online training resources they need to mitigate risks. Serious games, online training infographics, and podcasts are just a few of the ways you can impart Just-In-Time (JIT) training and keep them satisfied. They appreciate the fact that your organization is offering them a more flexible online training method that suits their individual needs.
Compliance is a serious issue which, because of its nature, gets taken for granted. Employees don’t see the value of it, but their bosses know it can cost thousands or worse. The net result being employees rushing through it at the last minute and retaining little to nothing. Using a compliance training LMS to design your compliance courses can help. You’re able to update online training content in real time in order to keep up with changes in regulation. You can avoid the last-minute rush, and tailor the online course to your needs. Finally, you have the power to monitor individual corporate learners and help them remember, interpret, and apply their compliance knowledge.
Get our eBook Mitigating Risks In The Modern Corporate World: Your Guide To Investing In A Compliance Training LMS to find out tips on how to set an accurate budget for your compliance training LMS and which features you should be looking for, as well as the common mistakes you should avoid when implementing your new strategy.