50 Shades Of White: White-Labeling With TalentLMS

50 Shades Of White: White-Labeling With TalentLMS

50 Shades Of White: White-Labeling With TalentLMS

White-Labeling With TalentLMS

Why you need to know about white-labeling with TalentLMS? Well...

Pseudonyms. Stages names. Noms de plume. Whatever you call them, the fact remains that countless famous people have historically been mostly known by fake names.

This happens with software too. TalentLMS, for example, has not just one, but dozens of different names that it is known by.

This is because TalentLMS has built in support for what the software industry calls "white-labeling" - the resale of software to end users using a different branding and a different name.

In this article we’ll have a look at what white-labeling entails and the ways in which TalentLMS offers support for it.

Why Re-Label?

One thing is certain. Companies who rebrand and resell TalentLMS don’t do so because they are embarrassed of its primary branding. If anything, they’re proud of having their online offering based on such an award-wining and industry leading LMS - and some even make a point of saying that their relabeled service is "powered by TalentLMS".

Then, Why Re-Label A Perfectly Good Brand?

Some just want to avoid confusion between their online learning service and the platform its based on. They rather have their users only know the former.

Others want to emphasize their own brand and value added services - e.g. if they also offer first level support and additional services (content management, etc.) for their TalentLMS-based learning product.

Others still rebrand so that their TalentLMS-based learning services appear as part of a more generic set of enterprise software and services (e.g. covering learning, collaboration, project management, communications, etc.)

Whatever the reason, there are several major aspects of TalentLMS that are ready for white-labeling by a company wanting to sell a rebranded version.

Let’s examine them one by one.

Custom Domain

Normally TalentLMS accounts have a domain name like youraccount.talentlms.com, which is the first giveaway that you are using TalentLMS.

Fortunately it’s very cheap to purchase your own custom domain (from .com to fancy new domain extensions like .biz and co), and use it for your online learning portal.


As far as TalentLMS is concerned, you only need to enter your desired domain name in the "Domain" tab in Account & Settings. For the mapping to be effective though, you would also need to create a proper CNAME DNS record on your own domain. You’ll find the relevant instructions here.

Custom Logo

After your domain name, the logo is the single most important piece of your branding (or re-branding).

It’s also dead-easy to change to whatever you want in TalentLMS, by just uploading your own custom picture from the management interface.

Custom Theme

Whether you are white-labeling it or not, TalentLMS allows you to fully customize the look and feel of your portal so that it fits with your branding.

As with other such tweaks, it all happens within the Account & Settings management interface. There, you get to pick between several pre-built and already available themes, change the color of interface elements, such as the header or the background, and even save your changes as a new theme.

For even more power, you can add your own CSS and Javascript on top of your custom theme - thus being able to completely change the look (CSS) and behavior (Javascript) of your portal.

There’s nothing to be intimidated by either - CSS is based on very simple name to value mappings, where the names are identifiers for interface elements (header, footer, lesson title, body text etc.) and the values determine their appearance (e.g. shown in "bold green 20pt" text).

It’s something that most people, familiar with the basics of computers, can learn within a day or two. You can start simply by examining and tweaking the already existing themes. Of course, you can also always task or hire someone to create the theme of your dreams for you.

Custom Pages

Your TalentLMS-based online learning portal sure looks and works great, but you’ll often find the need to have some additional information and pages on top of its built-in portal pages.

With its "Homepage Builder" feature you’ll be able to do just that - create a full public website on top of your learning portal, and customize it in any way that you like.

This is perfect for special deals, an About Us page, announcements, presenting your various services and solutions, and any other kind of supplementary material you can think of. 

Oh, and if you want some of those custom pages to only be available to logged-in users, TalentLMS allows for that too.

Custom Communications

TalentLMS uses emails and notifications for keeping learners and instructors up to date with everything that goes on in their courses and their learning portal in general.

In fact it makes it dead-simple to configure such emails to be sent automatically based on various internal triggers (e.g. "on course completion", "on assignment grading", etc.), and also lets you customize their exact wording.

The latter can be very important for including your own branding in such messages, and also for making sure their tone and languages matches your company’s communication guidelines.

Fine-tuning or completely altering the content of TalentLMS emails is very easy, courtesy of a simple system of text-based templates and placeholder words. Simply write your own messages, and use the build-in placeholder words like "related_user_name" or "course_name" where you want TalentLMS to automatically fill-in the right content when sending the email.


In this article, we had a look at TalentLMS’ white-labeling options and re-branding features. By taking advantage of white labeling with TalentLMS you’ll have a great, custom-looking learning portal in no time, that will fit in perfectly with your business branding - and your business strategy.

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