Why eLearning Is The Future Of Corporate Training

Why eLearning Is The Future Of Corporate Training
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Summary: Employee training using only classroom methodology has become outdated due to the rise of eLearning.

Learn Why Online Training Is The Future Of Corporate Training

98% of all companies are planning to use eLearning by 2020, according to an article in Small Business Trends. They report that corporations have increased their use of eLearning by a whopping 900% in the last 16 years. Why should you consider eLearning for your company? There are many benefits to using eLearning over standard classroom training. But first, what is eLearning?  It's when you use electronic technologies to present your corporation's educational curriculum outside of a traditional classroom. You can deliver your program to employees via the internet. eLearning is interactive, and some courses can be offered live where users can communicate with the instructor in real-time. It's fast becoming the preferred method of training for corporations today.

Why Classroom Training Is Outdated

Employee training using only classroom methodology has become outdated due to the rise of eLearning. Classroom training has become ineffective in providing the learning experience employees want today. Many find it tedious and boring to have to sit in a classroom and listen to someone lecture them. When employees aren’t engaged, they won’t learn as they should. Employees now want a more modern learning experience that includes videos, articles, podcasts, and other forms of digital content. And, as most are pressed for time, they prefer eLearning courses that they can take when they want to. Classroom training can’t provide this.

The internet has revolutionized the way the modern workforce learns. Online training has the benefit of being more cost-effective than holding in-person training. According to Brandon Hall, eLearning typically requires 40% to 60% less employee time than learning the same material in a traditional classroom setting.

With eLearning, your employees can schedule where, when, and at what pace they want to take your course. They can read your material when they have time and go over it as often as they require. They won't need to travel to a training site as they must with outdated classroom training. Plus, studies have shown that with eLearning, workers retain the material to a greater degree than with outdated in-person training. This is because the content delivery is consistent, and employees can repeat the instruction if needed to gain a better understanding of the material.

The Various Benefits Of Online Training

It can be challenging to manage training in a classroom environment. This is why many corporations are using technology to improve the delivery of their employee training programs. With eLearning, their employees can take a range of training modules that are designed to suit their individual needs. Online training also allows managers to monitor workers' understanding of what they must do when it comes to their roles and responsibilities.

There are an array of benefits for both employees and employers when it comes to eLearning:

  • Online training gives employees the ability to log into online courses at any time of the day, any day of the week. Employees can train in a way and at the time that works best for them, whether they’re at the office, waiting for a flight or at home.  The convenience factor is essential for today's workforce, and eLearning provides this.
  • Employees can take online courses in segments. This helps them stay focused and is especially useful for those who have trouble staying on task for long periods. Harvard research reveals that taking these short, regular tests halved student distraction, and increased their overall retention of the content.
  • eLearning allows for flexibility; employees can learn at their own pace. They can adjust the speed and replay segments as needed. Unlike with classroom training, it offers those who learn faster the ability to complete a course in less time rather than being slowed down by others struggling to understand the course material. This reduces frustration and allows the slower learners the time they need to complete the course.
  • Users can run eLearning modules from any device. If employees use PCs at work but Apple devices at home, this won't be a problem. Online training allows them to access courses with an internet connection and a web browser. With increasing internet connection speeds, there will be greater opportunities in the future for more enhanced training methods and delivery. Advances in technology have and will forever change the way courses are delivered.
  • eLearning modules are designed to be mobile-friendly. Courses can be created for smartphones and other portable devices for learning on the go. In the future, people will be more tied to their phones and gadgets, rather than desktop devices. Millennials will demand this because they’ve grown up with these with devices; they are comfortable with them. According to a Microsoft study, 77% of people aged 18 to 24 responded “yes” when asked, “When nothing is occupying my attention, the first thing I do is reach for my phone,” compared with only 10% of those over the age of 65.
  • Online training allows employees to learn a complicated subject matter. It's beneficial for things like learning how to use software. With eLearning, an entire employee manual can be presented in an engaging video that is easier to comprehend than reading page after page of text. When rich media is incorporated into eLearning modules, it also enhances learner engagement. Infographics can be a powerful visual learning tool when combined with text and images online.
  • eLearning courses that use gamification techniques are engaging and effective. Gamification uses game thinking and game mechanics to engage users and solve problems. It's an educational approach to motivate employees to learn by using video game design and elements in learning environments. Gamification can maximize engagement by capturing the interest of workers and inspiring them to learn.
  • Online training is also effective in terms of information retention. Incorporating mid-course exercises, quizzes, and summaries helps users retain what they've learned. Plus, employees can revisit eLearning courses as often as they wish to refresh their knowledge. According to Forbes, the Research Institute of America concluded that eLearning boosts retention rates by 25% to 60%, compared to retention rates of 8% to 10% with traditional training. This is because employees have more control over the learning process and can revisit training as needed.

Why Is Online Training Specifically Beneficial For Corporate Training?

According to Training Magazine, "Verizon uses online training for knowledge-based courses where it can deliver consistent information, broadly (global, large nationwide groups), at the end user's pace." They go on to say, "As more and more training departments continue to do more with less, and new generations of workers clamor for Just-In-Time training on their devices, companies increasingly are converting classroom courses to eLearning—or least implementing a blended approach."

Still not convinced that eLearning is right for your business? There are additional benefits that you should consider. Read on to learn 8 more ways that eLearning is beneficial and more effective than outdated classroom training for your employees:

  1. eLearning allows businesses to educate a geographically diverse staff using learning modules. This is important today with so many companies employing a remote workforce.
  2. On-demand online training is offered through cloud-based software. A company can deliver the training when it's convenient for them and their employees. They can also provide it in sections instead of all at once.
  3. Not only is eLearning readily available anytime and from anywhere an employee has online access, but it's also often more affordable for companies than in-person training. McDonald's found that “One of the clearest benefits was the time that franchises were spending educating new employees on McDonald’s brand standards…they were able to reduce onboarding time by 66%… which translated to real dollars saved by the franchise owner that could be reinvested to buy tablets for the stores.”
  4. Online training is less costly than arranging for standard in-person training. You won't need to reserve office space, pay for employees to travel to the training location or have to cover expenses for hotel stays and meals.
  5. Online training can be delivered and deployed quickly. Your employees will be able to acquire new skills and information almost immediately. You won't have to rely on printed materials that must be developed, published and distributed across your business. Users simply upload the eLearning modules and can get the information right away.
  6. Employees can use eLearning to help achieve their professional goals. They can choose from courses that they need to excel at their particular job.
  7. Online training will boost your employees’ productivity. When they are better trained and have the knowledge they need about your services or products, they'll be more efficient. According to Forbes, “Every dollar invested in online training results in a $30 increase in productivity. Companies that use eLearning technology achieve an 18% boost in employee engagement.”
  8. eLearning can help to reduce employee turnover. Forbes goes on to say that 40% of employees who receive poor job training leave their positions within the first year. When you invest in online training for your employees, they'll be more likely to stay with your company. You'll be furthering their professional skills and goals. They'll appreciate that you value them enough to provide the training they need to grow in their line of work.

How Online Training Is Shaping The Future Of Corporate Learning

Online learning is a trend that's impacting corporate education for the better. Keeping up with evolving learning trends can be difficult. But as technology continues to develop, online training is one way to ensure that your company stays ahead of the curve.

Today's savvy business managers and owners understand that employees benefit from eLearning to fulfill their training requirements. Companies of all types and in any industry are benefiting from providing online training. According to Forbes: “Companies like IBM, Sears, and Visa are starting to turn off their old systems and build a new generation of learning infrastructure that looks more like a 'learning network' and less like a single integrated platform.”

More corporations will be incorporating interactive videos into their eLearning modules. This is because using videos helps to break down complex ideas into easy-to-understand pieces of information that can be easily processed. It also presents content in engaging visuals.

A new marketplace of eLearning tools is emerging. Corporate executives are realizing that rather than producing courses that require page-turning, they must offer "learning on-demand."  This includes tools to deliver adaptive, online content, and to assess learning, and identify skills gaps.


eBook Release: KnowledgeCity LMS
KnowledgeCity LMS
KnowledgeCity LMS is more than a state-of-the-art employee training platform. Our LMS is loaded with powerful tools that put you in full control to manage, personalize and guide organizational training to deliver the best learning experience.
Originally published on December 8, 2019