Why Mobile Devices Should Be Used In Employee Training

Why Mobile Devices Should Be Used In Employee Training

Why Mobile Devices Should Be Used In Employee Training

Using Mobile Devices As Training Tools

We've all worked in an environment where the employer forbids the use of personal mobile devices. Some companies set very strict rules about using smartphones, tablets, or any other handheld devices at work. We can argue that, in many work environments, this causes more harm than good. First off, human nature is such that we rebel against restrictions, especially those that do not make sense. Employees often sneak off somewhere to look at their phones or openly use their work computers to check their personal email, despite repeated scolding from the manager.

Secondly, it turns out that using mobile devices for Learning and Development is actually a smart move. Consider the fact that the number of mobile device owners is steadily increasing. Also, consider the fact that mobile learning is on the rise. The third fact is that smartphones and tablets are the ultimate skill and knowledge development tools. Why? The short answer is because they are literally supercomputers that you get to carry around in your pocket or bag. The long answer combines different elements, from new generation characteristics to human kind's constant thirst for knowledge. So let's delve deeper and discover the benefits of using mobile devices as training tools.

Types Of Mobile Devices

Before we move on to the benefits, let's define what mobile devices are. Mobile devices, also known as handheld devices or handheld computers, are computing devices smaller than a desktop or laptop that can be easily operated with one’s hands. Some smartphones can even be handled using one hand only. These devices usually have an LCD or OLED screen through which the user interacts with the software and apps installed on the device. Other types of mobile devices include:

Regardless of the type you choose, lots of different actions can be performed with a handheld device. You can use your PS4 game console to control your TV, your smartphone to control your home surround sound, and your tablet to take an online eLearning course.

Benefits Of Using Mobile Devices As Training Tools

Using mobile devices in employee training comes with a lot of benefits. Employees will no longer depend on a traditional classroom setting with a traditional instructor. As a result, they will cut traveling time and costs, and best of all, they will be able to view their training on tablets and smartphones, irrespective of their location.

Read also: Benefits of Creating a Mobile Learning App for Corporate Training

Just-In-Time Learning

JIT learning allows employees to quickly find solutions to day-to-day job related problems. This is similar to doing a browser search every time you come across a question for which you do not have an answer to. Encouraging mobile device use in the workplace will help employees find quick answers to their problems on their training platform and by querying co-workers.

Anytime-Anywhere Learning

The beauty of mobile learning is its flexibility. Employee learners can access the training material whenever they want, from any device, and from any location.

Read also: The Importance of Anytime, Anywhere Learning in the Modern Workplace

Gamification And Game-Based Learning

Using mobile devices for Learning and Development opens the door to gamification and game-based learning. The best way to learn is through play. Thus, a training platform that engages the learner through gameplay, allows learning path personalization and creates a feedback loop between employee and employer that will be highly successful in helping staff increase their skills and knowledge base.


Smartphones and tablets are ideal for microlearning delivery. Information in small bits is more easily digestible, faster to recall, and simple to pass on to co-workers.

Feedback Loop

We've mentioned the feedback loop. With mobile learning apps, feedback loops are simple to create and uncomplicated. Your training program should include a data tracker that gathers and analyzes data from learners. As users advance through the course, they will "show" you where the training needs improving and what's working well. Ideally, they can also leave instant feedback comments. Armed with this information you, your Instructional Designer, or a trainer can more quickly reply and give feedback to trainees.

Read also: Case Study: Maximizing the Value of Your Mobile Learning App

Since employees are indispensable and their own growth often reflects on how successful the business is, figuring out ways to use handheld devices to increase job security and performance are of utmost importance. Here are 3 extra reasons why using smartphones and tablets can benefit your business:

  1. Constant communication
    A mobile learning app, installed on a mobile device, can offer multiple channels of communication with your employees. You'll be able to reach them through the learning platform or Learning Management System, synchronously or asynchronously.
  2. Inspiration
    Some mobile training apps are better than others. Experimenting with various formats can spike your inspiration and that of your employees.
  3. Quickly reporting issues
    Developing an internal app for quick reporting might be something to think about in your organization. Employees can use the company platform to report maintenance and safety issues much faster.


Mobile devices are easy to carry, empower learners to better themselves in their own time, and have the growing potential for becoming more powerful learning tools. Since employee training is a crucial part of business growth, encouraging smartphone and tablet use in the workplace can lead to a growing Learning and Development culture. To learn more about mobile learning, get in touch with Designing Digitally for a free quote or consultation. We are here to help you build an employee training app that seamlessly aligns your business goals with employee learning needs.

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