10 LWF Talks Perfect For the Future of Education, Teaching, and Learning

10 LWF Talks Perfect For the Future of Education, Teaching, and Learning
Summary: How children and teenagers can teach themselves to code? Why technology can be used to make a difference on learning? What if Steve Jobs had re-invented the education system? At the following 10 LWF Talks you will find new ideas and perspectives about education, teaching and learning. But what is LWF?

The idea behind LWF (Learning Without Frontiers) is in the power of disruptive thinkers, innovators and practitioners that share knowledge, ideas and experiences about the future of education, teaching and learning. The first video - This is Learning Without Frontiers - explains the mission of the LWF. At the following 10 LWF Talks you will find fascinating ideas that worth spreading about the Future of Learning.Which one is your favorite talk and why?

This is Learning Without Frontiers
Learning Without Frontiers (LWF) is a global platform that facilitates the ongoing dialogue about the future of learning. LWF attracts an engaged and open-minded audience who are forward thinking, curious and receptive to new ideas and perspectives about education, teaching and learning. They are an international audience of thought leaders, policy makers, innovators, entrepreneurs and leading practitioners from across the education, digital media and technology sectors. They are education leaders, intellectuals, social and political theorists, artists, designers, futurists, architects, publishers, broadcasters, technologists, parents, teachers and learners. They come to ask the big questions, discuss the big challenges and seek to answer them by innovation, enterprise and an enduring optimism. http://www.learningwithoutfrontiers.com

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1) Sir Ken Robinson - Leading a Learning Revolution
Sir Ken Robinson provides the closing statement for the LWF 12 conference under the theme "leading a learning revolution". Reforms are required for our industrial scale education systems but what forms shall they take, what will they value and what purpose shall they serve? In closing the LWF 12 conference Sir Ken Robinson reflects on what has been heard and discussed with previous speakers and offers a call to action for the delegates to look at the future with a new determination based upon the challenges that future generations face and where our education systems will need to nurture the creative innovators upon which our future well-being will be placed.

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2) Emma Mulqueeny - Young Rewired State
Young Rewired State is the philanthropic arm of Rewired State and is a network of developers aged 18 and under. Its primary focus is to find and foster the young children and teenagers who are driven to teaching themselves how to code, how to program the world around them. This is a mighty challenge though well-supported with free tutorials online, but inevitably an isolating and solitary activity. Young Rewired State developers, as well as developers from Rewired State and Coding for Kids took part in an LWF hack style event, coding throughout the 2 day conference, fuelled by coke and pizza. The resulting prototypes were shown just before the final keynote to the audience at the Learning Without Frontiers Conference, London, January 26th, 2012.

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3) Anthony Salcito - The New Classroom Experience
Anthony Salcito, Global Vice-President for Education, Microsoft discusses why technology and computers have yet to have a significant impact on education in the classroom. In this talk Anthony explain why he believes technology can be used to make a difference on learning, how learners and teachers can be empowered with new techniques and experiences that connect them to 21st century skills that enable them not only contribute to the economic workforce but also to solve some of the challenges that we're facing on the planet.

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4) Jim Knight - If Steve Jobs Designed Schools
What if Steve Jobs had re-invented the education system rather the computer and consumer electronics industry? Steve Jobs was a contradictory character, combining control freak and Zen Buddhist, and technology with design. He had a revolutionary impact on computing, animation, the music industry, printing, and publishing. Last year he and Bill Gates together expressed surprise at how little impact technology had had on schools. Jobs's wife is an educational reformer, he was a college dropout; but what would it have been like if Steve Jobs had focussed on education? What would the Jobs School be like? Behind this fanciful question is the serious question of whether we are willing to be truly revolutionary in our thinking about schools. Are we brave enough to truly challenge the many forces of conservatism in education? Can we "invent the future" for education? Can we show learners what they really want and make schools "insanely great". Can learning become so intuitive, seductive and personal that every child is engaged, progresses, and fulfils their potential? Jim Knight was the longest serving Schools minister in the last Labour government; he also served as Rural Affairs minister and Employment minister. He attended weekly Cabinet in the year running up to the 2010 General Election, and was made a life peer in the Dissolution Honours List after that election.

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5) Francis Gilbert - Escaping the Education Matrix
In this searing polemic on our industrial scale education systems teacher and author, Francis Gilbert, discusses the myths and purpose of education, the promise and reality of the teaching profession, the negative impact of assessment on learning and how teachers construct their identity.

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6) Stephen Heppell - Child Led Learning
"We need to trust our children to be good learners, we need to trust ourselves to be professionals, and we need to trust our systems to get out of the way." Drawing upon real world examples and programmes Stephen Heppell (heppell.net) discusses the impact of exponential technological change on learning calling for a greater involvement and participation in the design of learning and learning environments by the learners themselves. "We are not going to build better learning for our children; we are going to build it with our children"

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7) Jesse Schell - Learning is Beautiful
Jesse Schell, Chief Executive and Creative Director - Schell Games. Jesse Schell believes that the future of learning is beautiful. Renowned video game designer and frequently credited with popularising the concept of employing gaming mechanics to solve problems and engage audiences in non-gaming software in a technique known as "gamification". Jesse Schell discusses his thoughts and experiences of how to make learning and education beautiful by using customisation and gaming techniques within the learning experience rather than the kind of standardisation that produces standardised output.

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8) Dr Paul Howard-Jones - Neuroscience, Games & Learning
Dr Paul Howard-Jones, a leading expert on the role of neuroscience in educational practice and policy with a particular interest in how gaming engages the brain and the application of this knowledge in education. Paul discusses the findings of his recent research that reviews the potential effects of video games and social media on the brain.

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9) Mark Surman & Michelle Levesque - Open Distributed Learning
Mark Surman, Executive Director and Michelle Levesque, Engineer - Mozilla Foundation. Open, participative and distributed are Mozilla Foundations aims for the future of learning. Learning today happens everywhere, not just in the classroom. But it's often difficult to get recognition for skills and achievements that happen outside of schools. Mark Surman and Michelle Levesque discuss the approach that Mozilla Foundation are taking to meet their objectives to re-invent learning and assessment with digital technologies.

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10) Mitch Resnick - Learning from Scratch
Mitchel Resnick's Lifelong Kindergarten research group developed the ideas and technologies underlying the LEGO Mindstorms robotic kits and the Scratch programming software used by millions of young people around the world. With these technologies, young people learn to design, create, experiment, and invent with new technologies, not merely browse, chat, and interact. Mitch's ideas and work are now at the centre of the debate about the curriculum for ICT in schools. Should children simply learn to use standard applications and games, or should they also have the opportunity to become creators?

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Originally published on December 20, 2012