3 Steps To Help You Start Your Virtual Training

3 Steps To Help You Start Your Virtual Training

3 Steps To Help You Start Your Virtual Training

Every Journey Begins With A Small Step...Or 3

The decision to start virtual training is an important milestone in the history of every organization. There is a new realm of endless possibilities to explore. Of course, this can be overwhelming, even for the most seasoned L&D professionals.

eBook Release
5 Steps For A Flawless Virtual Training
This eBook will help you achieve a flawless virtual training experience in 5 easy steps.

Here are some easy steps you can take to get started. They will help you lay down a solid foundation on your scheme and start your virtual training in the most effective way.

Identify The Building Blocks Of Your Course

It’s important to start with an inventory of everything you’re going to use in creating your training. The content itself is an obvious starting point—slide decks, PDFs, workbooks, product documentation.

Now, shine a light on concepts and principles, not facts and formulas.

Ask a series of whys—commonly referred to as the 5 Whys—keep answering the questions to drive at the heart of the content to reach the first principle of any complex concept you cover. Be ruthless about eliminating anything unrelated to the core concept or that can be looked up by a quick search. Learners will only remember a handful of things, so take the time to clarify the top 3-5 takeaways you want them to leave with.

Finally, pinpoint the level of prior knowledge of your learners and anchor your content to this. Armed with this information, you’re now ready to map out your approach.


Outline Sections That Each Has A Distinct Learning Objective

One of the best things you can do when you start your virtual training program is to organize your content by scaffolding it around learning objectives framed from the perspective of the learner. What do you want them to be able to do differently after completing each section?

Your existing material may already have learning objectives, but for an online learning course, it is important to separate content into sections that each only has one learning objective. This will help you pick your delivery format and media in the next step.


Pick Your Media, Delivery Format, And Tone

When you start your virtual training program, it is vital for each lesson to pick your delivery format and media.


Are you looking to capture attention or increase motivation? Do you have a complex topic and need ways to manage cognitive load?

In Instructional Design, there is a concept known as the "blended approach." The principle here is that no single solution can meet all the learning needs of your audience. Instead, use a combination of multimedia to transfer the knowledge you’re looking to transfer.

Use video to capture attention and explain complex topics. Use live Zoom-based sessions to interact with your audience and provide them with opportunities to practice the concepts you teach. Supplement your own content by including curated material from outside sources.


For each lesson, pick your delivery format and media.

Delivery Format

If you’re creating videos for your virtual training, it helps to choose the type of video you’re going to create upfront. This way you can plan the resources and design them around the chosen format.


For videos, choose from one of the 5 formats common in training videos:


The tone or mood of the virtual training is heavily influenced by the presenter’s voice and body language, no matter what format you choose. Your choice of tone affects your scripting, so it is important to be clear on them during this step. If you are going to feature an expert in your training, consider what brings out the best in the person presenting the video.


Consider the tone from the perspective of the learner.

What's Next?

The eBook 5 Steps For A Flawless Virtual Training is the go-to guide that will help you start and develop your virtual training program. This eBook is for anyone who is passionate about creating meaningful custom virtual learning experiences. Your culture matters. Your corporate values set you apart. Your virtual training should reflect that.

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