5 Ways You Can Use Microlearning In Corporate Training

5 Ways You Can Use Microlearning In Corporate Training

5 Ways You Can Use Microlearning In Corporate Training

How To Use Microlearning In Corporate Training

There’s a quite simple reason for the success of microlearning. Microlearning is based upon how our brains retain information. The human brain was designed to retain the information when presented in short bursts, whereas most corporate training modules are pages upon pages of mind-numbing text which sedate the learner and offer minimum retention. Microlearning modules provide short, laser-focused bursts of information with a specific objective, which are easy to retain. This is exactly why microlearning has become a favorite among corporate trainers, and valuable addition to any corporate training program.

But, microlearning doesn’t just mean shortening the content to relevant points. It encompasses a lot more than that. Text, graphics, videos, quizzes, game mechanics and other interactivities are all part of microlearning, as long as you know how to use them for maximum benefit. In fact, the success of a microlearning module lies in how well the above-mentioned assets are utilized. Let us discuss 5 ways to use microlearning in corporate training and get the best out of it:

1. Quizzes And Assessments

The better you know your learner(s), the better you can design a Learning and Development module for them. Before beginning to impart new knowledge to an organization’s employees, it would be wise to find out what they already know. A microlearning program targeted solely at pre-assessing the learner’s knowledge is a good way to go, particularly if it is presented in a quiz-like format. Quizzes are a great way to test the learner’s existing knowledge, and then use it to construct a more personalized microlearning module that fills the gaps in their knowledge and skills. Quizzes and assessments should be spread across the training, to assess as well as refresh learners' knowledge.

2. Videos

Of course, when it comes to eLearning modules, videos are the ace in the hole. Apart from being the preferred medium of engagement presently, videos are effective in helping people learn due to the fact that visual information is retained better than auditory or textual information. This can explain the fact that short videos do better than image or text posts on social media. Somewhat similarly, you should use short videos in your microlearning modules to demonstrate step-by-step procedures, features of a product or a machine, concepts and the like. However, make sure not to overuse videos, as some learners prefer text and audio, and learn better that way.

3. Infographics

Infographics are likely the learning media you’ll find the most in eLearning modules, and for good reason. They are really helpful in summarizing large, text-heavy paragraphs through visual representation like charts, graphs, icons, and images. These days, GIFs and motion infographics are also quite common in microlearning modules, which impact learners’ attention and retention even more positively. It is advised to use them when demonstrating how to apply a particular skill or specialized knowledge for best results.

4. Interactive Documents

Wait, what? How can documents be interactive? Actually, they can be. Interactive PDFs are a thing, and as you can guess, they are really helpful when you just can’t do without text in your microlearning module, but want to jazz it up to ensure maximum engagement and retention. Interactive PDFs can have links to other resources for learners who want or require a more in-depth knowledge of the subject at hand, as well as links to videos which, as mentioned above, are preferred media to consume information these days. And, of course, infographics. In short, interactive PDFs are like little eLearning courses in themselves!

5. Gamified Microlearning Courses

If you keep yourself updated with all the latest in the eLearning industry, there’s no way you haven’t heard of gamification. It’s all the rage in eLearning and corporate training these days, and it’s easy to see why. Combining game mechanics with learning takes the boredom out of the equation, and makes learning fun! When you earn a badge every time you complete a microlearning course, you can brag about it in front of your colleagues, which increases healthy competition as they try to outdo you. Gamified microlearning in corporate training is the amalgam of two of the hottest trends in eLearning right now and it surely packs a powerful punch.

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