6 Tips To Get A Head Start On Your Next Rapid eLearning Project

6 Tips To Get A Head Start On Your Next Rapid eLearning Project
Summary: Your next rapid eLearning project is just around the corner, and you know that time will be of the essence. But is there anything you do NOW to get a head start? In this article, I'll offer 6 tips that will help you prepare for your rapid eLearning course in order to beat the clock and increase productivity.

How To Get A Head Start On Your Next Rapid eLearning Project

Α rapid eLearning project typically involve tight deadlines, which means that you need to hit the ground running after your kickoff meeting. That being said, you must also ensure that every online text block, eLearning image, multimedia element, and online assessment is on-point, even if you are in a time crunch. Fortunately, there are 6 tips that can help you take a few steps toward the finish line right now, instead of having to wait around and waste precious time. Best of all, they don't require you to sacrifice the quality of your eLearning content in the process.

  1. Select an intuitive eLearning authoring tool.
    You can choose the right eLearning authoring tool well before you start the eLearning development process. In fact, you may want to have a complete arsenal of authoring tools by the time you meet with the client. This is primarily due to the fact that selecting the ideal authoring tools usually requires trial and error. You have to try out the eLearning platform, make sure that it offers the right features, and determine if it’s a good match for your skills and talents. The goal is to find eLearning authoring tools that give you enough creative control and flexibility without sacrificing user-friendliness. Ultimately, it should also feature an asset library, such as images, sounds, eLearning videos, and interactions that speed up the eLearning design process.
  2. Opt for a customizable eLearning template.
    There are a variety of eLearning templates that you can use to create your rapid eLearning course. If your eLearning authoring tool does not feature any useful options, you can always search online to find an ideal alternative. Make certain that the eLearning template you choose is customizable so that you can adjust text fields and integrate additional images or graphics. If you like the layout you can use the eLearning template time and again to create future rapid eLearning courses. You'll already be familiar with its features and how to personalize it using your eLearning authoring tool, so you won't have to worry about a steep learning curve.
  3. Find the perfect Project Management online platform.
    Project Μanagement online platforms are an absolute must if you are working with a remote eLearning team. These tools offer you a way to communicate with your collaborators, keep track of assignments, set deadlines and goals, and share documents. This ensures that everyone is on the same page and knows their job responsibilities. Find a Project Management online platform that includes all of the features you need to make your work process more efficient, and get feedback from your eLearning team to see which tools they prefer. Ideally, you should opt for one that provides mobile access so that you can work on your eLearning project whenever, wherever.
  4. Repurpose your existing eLearning content.
    You may be sitting on a treasure trove of eLearning content and you aren't even aware of it. For example, eLearning activities and assessments that you used for a previous eLearning course can be modified to meet your current needs. This is why it's beneficial to examine all of the materials and resources you have on-hand and determine if it can be repurposed for your rapid eLearning project. In some cases, you might find that making a few minor modifications is all that's required. eLearning templates, images, graphics, and videos can also be reused to cut down on your development time. A word of warning, however: Don't use any contact that is intellectual property of past clients, unless you have their permission or plan on using just the "bare bones" as an outline.
  5. Create an eLearning storyboard.
    You may need to have a general idea of the key takeaways, eLearning activities, and learning goals before you create a detailed eLearning course outline. However, you can usually start developing the eLearning storyboard once you know the topic, especially if you have a Subject Matter Expert on your eLearning team. Brainstorm how the eLearning course layout will look, what theme and color scheme you'll use, and what eLearning platforms you are going to support. Once you receive more information about the eLearning project, you can then simply plug in the data and customize the storyboard based on the client's specifications. You can even create a variety of different eLearning storyboards that each adhere to a certain theme or layout, and then select the one that fits your latest rapid eLearning course.
  6. Meet with your eLearning team to clarify expectations.
    You should meet with your eLearning team as soon as you know that you've landed the eLearning project. In some cases you may even have to meet with them beforehand in order to create an accurate estimate. During your eLearning project kickoff meeting you will want to assign tasks, roles, and responsibilities. Make sure that everyone is aware of what's expected of them and the overall eLearning project goals. This is also the time to address the questions and alleviate any concerns they might have, as well as create a set of guidelines that everyone must follow. For example, you can set some ground rules for how often the eLearning team is going to communicate, how they will communicate, and when each phase of the eLearning course is due. Video conferencing tools can be used to host team meetings and bring everyone up to speed.

Use these 6 tips to get ready for your next rapid eLearning project and create memorable eLearning courses in a fraction of the time. Also, keep in mind that it's all about trial and error. If a particular eLearning platform, template, or eLearning authoring tool doesn't suit your needs, then try out the alternatives to find the perfect match.

Interested in learning more about the tools of the rapid eLearning trade? Read the article Rapid eLearning Authoring Tools: 7 Benefits For eLearning Professionals to discover the most notable advantages of using a rapid eLearning authoring tool for your next eLearning course.

Originally published on April 21, 2016