7 Tips To Facilitate Learners Self-Control In eLearning

7 Tips To Facilitate Learners Self-Control In eLearning

7 Tips To Facilitate Learners Self-Control In eLearning

How To Facilitate Learners Self-Control In eLearning

Self-control is characterized by self-regulation and self-monitoring. Learners who are able to regulate self-control can manage their emotions, thoughts, and behaviors based on the circumstances. They think before they speak, and stay calm and collected when others start to stress, even if there may be distractions or obstacles involved. Self-controlled learners leap over every hurdle because they know how to keep their mental and emotional state balanced in order to achieve their goals. Every decision they make and action they undertake is geared toward the desired outcome, even if it requires a great deal of perseverance and dedication. These are 7 reasons why it's vital to facilitate learners self-control in every eLearning program.

1. Encourage Goal-Setting

Online learners must have a goal that allows them to focus all of their effort and intent. Concentrating on a specific outcome offers them the chance to plan out a course of action that utilizes their skills, knowledge, and talents. However, if you want your learners to improve their self-control you should give them the opportunity to set their personal goals and then decide which resources and tools will help them to achieve success. As they pursue the goal they will be required to monitor their behavior, identify gaps, and manage their emotions in order to stay on track.

2. Give Learners Time To Reflect After An eLearning Activity

As the old saying goes: "hindsight is 20/20". Online learners are able to gain more insight into their mental processes and behaviors when they look back on an eLearning activity they've already completed. For example, once they've finished an eLearning simulation they can determine which decisions or actions contributed to the outcome. If it was not the desired outcome, they have the chance to identify which mistakes they made and how they can improve moving forward. Give your online learners ample time to reflect on the eLearning activity, their performance, and if they require additional support to achieve their goals. If you facilitate learners self-control, you will eventually witness the fruitful outcome.

3. Develop eLearning Scenarios That Emphasize Real-World Repercussions

Exposing your online learners to some degree of pressure can be beneficial, particularly when the pressure is related to real-world risks. eLearning scenarios that give employees the chance to explore the repercussions of their actions in a supportive setting help them to regulate their emotions and mental state. They learn how to control their thought processes and overcome challenges while remaining calm and centered. If they fail to do so, they can quickly lose control of the situation and this will be reflected in the outcome.

4. Create Personalized Learning Paths

Every online learner should feel as though they have some degree of control over the eLearning experience. One of the most effective ways to accomplish this is by creating personalized learning paths. These paths focus on their specific needs, preferences, and goals. They must take charge of the learning process and regulate their study habits to complete the eLearning course. If you can, get them involved in the eLearning course design process by conducting surveys and focus groups. Get their input about which online activities they would like to see, how they wish to interact with the eLearning content. For example, some learners may prefer highly interactive simulations while other might prefer online presentations and text-based eLearning content.

5. Design A Positive Learning Culture

Learning how to self-control usually involves making mistakes, which is why your eLearning environment should be a safe haven for your online learners. Rather than focusing on self-defeating thoughts, such as obsessing over failures, your learners will have the ability to grow and hone their confidence and self-control. Praise those who perform well and offer support and guidance for learners who need additional help. This also involves cultivating a positive learning culture that stresses the importance of self-control and gives learners the online resources and tools they need.

6. Stress The Importance Of Learning From Mistakes

We have a tendency to be hard on ourselves when we make mistakes. We see them as failures and disappointments, but they are actually opportunities to learn more about ourselves and what we can accomplish. It's vital to stress the importance of mistake-driven learning in your eLearning program, as learners will gradually integrate this view into their mindset. When they do make an error, encourage them to reflect upon it and assess what they learned. Did it teach them that their current performance behavior is incorrect? Do they need to improve a skill set in order to complete a necessary task? Let them know that mistakes are nothing to fear and that every "failure" brings a lesson with it.

7. Encourage Online Learners To Evaluate Personal Strengths And Weaknesses

Nobody likes to admit that they have a weakness. Unfortunately, it's all part of being human. One of the most important aspects of self-control is knowing your weaknesses and choosing to overcome them. Challenge their current assumptions and ask them to take a closer look at their workplace behavior. Do certain events tend to cause them stress or emotional strain? Is there a skill that they can improve in order to be more productive? Revealing weaknesses may be difficult, but it also helps online learners identify triggers and common challenges that may stand in their way of success.

Self-control is not etched into our DNA. In fact, it typically requires a great deal of practice and self-awareness. Monitoring and controlling your mental and emotional state is no easy feat. However, you can encourage this gradual process within your learners by using these 7 tips and techniques.

Putting yourself in the role of the learner gives you the ability to sympathize with their needs and understand their motivations. Read the article 5 Steps Towards Empathic Instructional Design In Online Training to discover the Empathic Instructional Design process, which allows you to create learner-centric eLearning that focuses on the feelings and perspectives of your audience.

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