5 Advantages Of A SharePoint-Based LMS

5 Advantages Of A SharePoint-Based LMS
Summary: An LMS-SharePoint fusion offers the cost-effectiveness of a SaaS LMS solution and lower hardware, software, integration, administration, and user adoption costs than a non-SharePoint-based on-premise alternative. SharePoint adopters will also appreciate the risk avoidance and compliance management offered by an on-premise solution like ShareKnowledge, which cannot be matched by a SaaS LMS solution. Adding an LMS to work as a part of SharePoint gives users an enterprise content and learning management solution with benefits much greater than the sum of its parts.

Why Choose SharePoint? The Advantages Of A SharePoint-Based LMS

Learning in the work environment includes a myriad of events that range from attending formal classroom instruction through collaborating with peers and seeking independent training opportunities. With that said, it makes sense to have training available where prospective learners spend much of their time. For many organizations, this means SharePoint.

SharePoint is Microsoft’s fastest growing software and currently one in two Fortune 500 companies use this multi-functional tool to operate their business. SharePoint allows organizations to share and manage content, knowledge, and applications to empower teamwork, quickly find information and seamlessly collaborate across the organization.

Learning and Development managers commonly use SharePoint to collaborate and store course materials, create HR portals for onboarding, and use team sites for blended learning initiatives and workflows, versioning, and auditing features for their compliance programs.

Get the Free eBook: How Much Will You Really Pay For Your New LMS
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An LMS-SharePoint Fusion offers security and compliance benefits of an on-premise LMS and the cost-effectiveness of a cloud one. Here are 5 reasons why to choose a SharePoint-based Learning Management System:

1. Simple, Familiar User Interface That Removes The Stress Of Learning A New System

An LMS-SharePoint fusion means a simple and familiar environment for SharePoint users. For example, a SharePoint-based LMS would use SharePoint’s version control and workflows features to manage content for regulated industries.

2. Easy Access To Training Content

A SharePoint-based LMS uses SharePoint integration to accept content published from SharePoint libraries. So, there is no need for users to manually transfer critical information and no need to waste time in redundant LMS training.

3. Automatic Upgrades

An LMS-SharePoint fusion will make the best use of relevant new SharePoint functionality as it is released. When new SharePoint capabilities are released, the LMS-SharePoint fusion’s deep integration means those features become available to the LMS’ users.

4. Single Sign-On

When an LMS is incorporated into SharePoint, the combination uses Active Directory Single Sign-on and SharePoint profiles already implemented for SharePoint.

5. Reduced Security Risks Associated With Compliance

An LMS-SharePoint fusion reduces legal and regulatory compliance audit risks. An LMS-SharePoint fusion SharePoint integration simplifies migration of historical data of past training records from obsolete legacy learning management solutions. Rather than maintaining a legacy implementation solely for audit compliance purposes, the LMS-SharePoint fusion is the “Single Source of Truth” for evidence of compliant training delivery.

For more on selecting and buying a new Learning Management System, download the free eBook How Much Will You Really Pay For Your New LMS?.

Related articles:

1. How Much Will You Really Pay For Your New LMS? Part I: Cloud LMS – A True Cost Analysis

2. How Much Will You Really Pay For Your New LMS? Part II: On-Premise LMS – A True Cost Analysis

3. How You Can Save Using Microsoft SharePoint: 5 Most Useful LMS Cost Elements To Consider

4. Free eBook: How Much Will You Really Pay For Your New LMS?

eBook Release: ShareKnowledge
ShareKnowledge is an enterprise LMS that integrates with existing technologies while automating training, reporting and other business processes.
Originally published on September 30, 2017