5 Product Marketing Tactics To Boost Sales Enablement

5 Product Marketing Tactics To Boost Sales Enablement

5 Product Marketing Tactics To Boost Sales Enablement

Key Elements Of A Product Marketing Strategy

Product marketing plays a crucial role in the success of a company by effectively promoting and positioning its offerings in the market. A product marketing strategy typically consists of several key elements that work together to promote and position a specific product or service effectively.

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Product Marketing Tactics That Support Sales Enablement

One key component of a product marketing strategy that should not be overlooked is sales enablement, which equips sales teams with the necessary resources, tools, and training to engage with potential customers, cultivate strong relationships, and successfully close deals. CSO Insights says that organizations with sales enablement achieve a 49% win rate on forecasted deals, compared to 42.5% for those without. Here are five product marketing tactics that support and enhance sales enablement:

1. Understand Your Target Audience

Begin by thoroughly understanding the needs, pain points, and buying behavior of your buyers, users, and influencers. Remember that these might be different by industry and geography. Document these and share with your sales teams so they can build better conversations with prospects and clients.

2. Develop Sales-Journey-Specific Content

Build content tailored to the needs of the various personas at the different stages of their journey. This will include items like case studies, product guides, sales scripts, product brochures, demo videos, comparison sheets, and FAQs. Ensure that the content addresses buyer pain points, highlights product benefits, and provides solutions to potential objections.

3. Deliver Market Information

Share market trends and industry insights so sales are informed about market dynamics, emerging customer needs, and regulatory changes. Don’t forget to include information about how the product can meet market changes. Not only will this allow sales to have better conversations, it will also provide an opportunity for them to proactively engage with prospects and clients.

4. Deliver Competitive Insights

Prospects and clients are often looking at what competing solutions offer. Instead of reactively responding to a query about how your solution is better than the competitors, develop the strengths and weaknesses of competing solutions (including "do nothing") and provide these counter messaging points to your sales team.

5. Provide Continuous Product Training

Conduct regular training sessions to educate sales on key features, benefits, competitive advantages, and target market segments. Don’t forget to include them when new features are released so that they are able to articulate the latest and greatest in your solutions. Use tactics like eLearning, Instructor-Led Training, and online learning.

Bonus Tip To Keep Sales Moving: Keep Leads/Prospects Warm With Market Insights

Product content and collateral is great once a prospect is ready to buy, but don’t forget about keeping your leads/prospects warm by providing continuous learning. Think about blogs and webinars that focus on best practices, industry or regulatory changes—anything that will help keep your potential clients engaged with your company so they think of you when they are ready to buy. Ensure that your sales teams are informed about who is engaging with these activities, as it provides insights into their prospects and gives them an opportunity to start a conversation.

Measures Of Sales Enablement Success

It is important to measure whether product marketing's sales enablement efforts are generating results. Here are some key metrics and tactics to use to benchmark and continuously monitor performance.


Product marketing plays a critical role in developing new revenue initiatives and equipping sales teams with the knowledge, tools, and resources they need to accelerate sales. It begins with understanding the target audience (buyers, users, and influencers) and developing materials that will help sales teams engage with their audience in every step of the buying process. Continuous training will ensure that sales teams don’t forget what they have learned and have updated product, market, and competitive knowledge so they can be a trusted partner for their clients.

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