Moving From Face-To-Face To A Blended Learning Strategy: 8 Things To Consider

Moving From Face-To-Face To A Blended Learning Strategy: 8 Things To Consider
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Summary: Face-to-face and Instructor-Led Training can be valuable in a number of scenarios, however, they are not the only solutions. Shifting over to a blended learning strategy brings a number of benefits, but there is a range of things that need to be considered first.

8 Things To Consider When Moving From ILT To Blended Learning

Making the jump from Instructor-Led Training (ILT) to a blended learning strategy can be daunting, but as long as you are prepared, you can make the most of the valuable switch. We’ve already covered the benefits of moving to blended learning, from raising engagement to increasing information retention, but now it’s time to look at how to make the change and what to consider.

1. Digital Literacy Of Your Workforce

Something that comes up in many conversations about digital transformation in Learning and Development is digital literacy. What do we mean by that? Essentially, it means how comfortable your employees are with different types of technology as well as how comfortable they are exploring new avenues of technology in the workplace. It’s important to consider this before making the shift so you can also evaluate how much time you may need to train people up on any new tech involved, as well as how much digital resistance you can expect to come up against.

2. Learning Needs Of Your Employees

It is worth considering how your employees feel they learn the best. This sort of information can be gathered through a survey sent out to your employees or through feedback in a face-to-face session. This can also be a good way to understand how open they are to technological changes. Additionally, it is important to understand the sort of training your workforce needs in order to carry out their jobs and adapt your current learning strategy accordingly.

3. Organisational And Individual Learning Objectives

Learning objectives are one of the key components of any learning strategy. However, when a shift in technology is involved, it is important to make sure that you have your learning objectives, both at an individual and organisational level, fully prepared before you start making decisions about your content. These objectives will inform the shape of your courses, including which elements remain face to face and which become eLearning or mLearning. These objectives can also inform how much collaborative work should be involved in the blended learning strategy.

4. LMS Reporting

Moving from an entirely face-to-face to a blended learning strategy likely means the introduction of an LMS. It is important when selecting an LMS to consider the reporting functionality available as this will help you to monitor the progress of your new blended learning strategy. It’s also important that you invest in an LMS that allows you to report on ILT and face-to-face training as well as courses taken within the system itself.

5. Languages And Accessibility

Accessibility is a vital element of any training system. Whether you’re looking to make things easier for employees with physical or visual impairments, or you need to accommodate for a wide range of languages across multiple locations for training, languages, and accessibility are incredibly important parts of the process of developing your learning strategy.

6. Converting Resources To eLearning

One of the biggest parts of the transformation from face-to-face training to a blended learning strategy is the conversion of your resources. Assess your current learning courses and establish which elements still require instructor intervention and which are to be prepped for conversion to eLearning content. This is a vital stage of shifting your strategy, as it is your opportunity to plan and rebuild your courses.

7. eLearning Content Provider

The next thing you need to consider is your eLearning content provider. In order to make the most out of your transformed learning experience, you need to make sure you’re working with someone who can provide both a range of bespoke learning options and curated courses. Kallidus Content, for example, provides a wide range of services as well as consultancy to help you understand what is best for your organisation.

8. Bespoke Vs Curated eLearning

The final decision you need to make is the balance you wish to create between bespoke and curated eLearning content. Some courses are simply easier catered for with what’s known as Off The Shelf (OTS) content. Often covering various areas of compliance training and introductions to qualifications in certain industries, OTS content can be a convenient solution ready in a short period.

Another option is bespoke content which allows you to truly add your own stamp and branding to your eLearning content. Tailored to your organisation’s specific needs, quirks, and requirements, bespoke content is a fantastic way to solidify eLearning content for your employees. There are arguments on both sides so it’s important to weigh up your options before embarking on your learning transformation.


Shifting from face-to-face to a blended learning strategy is no small task but with the right considerations, it can prove to be a really positive change for your organisation. From the needs of your learners to technical logistics, shifting to blended learning requires a lot of prep work but also presents an exciting opportunity to drive completion rates up and improve learning engagement.

Originally published on June 4, 2019