A Change Management Plan Example You Can Customize For Your Organization

A Change Management Plan Example For Your Needs
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Summary: A successful business transformation requires a sound online training strategy. This article features a change management plan example you can personalize for your online training program.

Implement Successful Organizational Change With A Change Management Plan Example

Employees are usually resistant to change. They’re unsure about what the future holds for their job roles and duties. Or whether new team leaders will offer ongoing support. Fortunately, you can mitigate these risks by creating a change management online training strategy for company transformation. Whether it’s a full-scale overhaul of your leadership team or minor policy changes that impact a single department. An effective plan of action makes the difference between a stress-free transition and a chaotic corporate shake-up. Customize this 9-ingredient change management plan example for your organization in order to expand your business and prep employees for new challenges.

eBook Release: Overcoming The Fear Of The Unknown
eBook Release
Overcoming The Fear Of The Unknown
Launch a change management program that is destined to be a roaring success.

1. Current Business Practices Or Team Leadership

The first item in your change management plan example is the current state of business affairs. This includes work practices, policies, leaders, and compliance regulations. Focus on aspects of your infrastructure that are at the core of your change management online training strategy. You don’t necessarily need to outline every company objective or desired outcome in your online training plan. Smaller scope leads to more manageable (and measurable) change.

2. Desired Change Management Online Training Outcomes

Next up is to determine the state of your business after the change. How will things be different once employees complete the online training program and you enact new protocols? Define desired outcomes and how you will evaluate employee progress. What is your definition of success? How will the new leaders or policies alter your 5-year plan? Why are you implementing this change in the first place?

3. Training Needs Analysis And Employee Assessment Results

The first two steps in the change management plan example involve the starting point and the destination. This phase helps you chart the path between those two spots on the map. Conduct a Training Needs Analysis to identify gaps in your online training strategy. As well as employee online training assessments to determine their competencies, strengths, and weaknesses. For this, you must evaluate the individual building blocks of change, such as the new talents or experience your employees must possess to follow new policies.

4. Performance And Skills Gaps

This is an off-shoot of Training Needs Analysis, but it deserves its own section in your change management plan example. Outline the performance, knowledge, and skills gaps that your online training program must address in order to achieve the desired outcomes. Do employees need to work on their tech skills to perform a new task? Can you help them build real-world experience so that they’re ready for new compliance protocols?

5. Ideal Change Management Model

There are several change management models to choose from. The ideal approach depends on your business practices, organizational goals, and company vision, as well as on the nature of the change. For instance, widespread corporate restructuring might call for a combination of models. One that focuses on employee emotions and behaviors and another that pertains to strategic planning. Include a few change management model suggestions in your example so that you can customize the approach on a by-project basis.

6. Online Training Resources And Certifications

Up until this point, the plan has centered on behind-the-scenes research and organization. Now it’s time to determine the best delivery method for your change management online training program. How will you distribute information to your team and offer them continual support? Which online training resources should you include in your JIT online training library? Can you create certification paths to walk them through the process and hold them accountable? Keep in mind that different employees require different online training approaches. While some might prefer serious games and other tactile training tools, others absorb information more efficiently through video demos and tutorials.

7. Communication And Implementation Plan

Employees need to know that the communication lines are open and your company will be transparent about the change. You must also develop an implementation plan that outlines the tasks, budgetary considerations, and risks involved in the process. How are you going to communicate the new company vision so that employees feel like they’re part of the team? How long should each phase of the project take to complete and what happens if the tasks require more time? Who’s involved in the development process and which roles do they play?

8. Evaluation Criteria

Success is different for every company. You might be looking for a small scale win, such as modifying a quick task that employees occasionally perform. Or a large change that impacts every department and involves multiple policies. Whatever the case, you must develop evaluation criteria to determine if your online training strategy is effective. If it engages employees and keeps them in the loop. If you will be able to measure all relevant KPIs during the transition, and what happens if the plan goes off the rails.

9. Follow-Up

It’s always good to have a back-up online training strategy in place. But first, you need a solid follow-up plan to identify areas for improvement. How else will you know when it’s time to call in reinforcements and readjust your change management plan example? Gather eLearning feedback from employees, analyze LMS reports, and get input from team leaders. Customer service surveys and business spending reports are other great tools to diagnose emerging gaps.

This framework can help you develop a change management plan example that’s fully customizable based on your expanding business needs. Whether it’s onboarding new leadership and getting the team’s acceptance or launching new company protocols to mitigate compliance risks and venture into new markets. Adjust the model, the online training resources, and the implementation plan to keep up with the competitors and retain your top talent. Also, consider placeholders that feature multiple options. For instance, a brief overview of change management models or support online training resources to implement in your current plan.

Every organization must endure change from time to time, and this can be frightening. Download the eBook Overcoming The Fear Of The Unknown: How To Launch A Successful Change Management Program to discover how to launch a change management program that is destined to be a roaring success.

Originally published on May 23, 2020