4 Overlooked Benefits Corporate Training Software Offers Your Customer Care Team

4 Overlooked Benefits Corporate Training Software Offers Your Customer Care Team

4 Overlooked Benefits Corporate Training Software Offers Your Customer Care Team

Corporate Training Software Benefits For Your Customer Care Team

Many companies consider customer care an entry-level job. It’s often labeled as a position that doesn’t need prior experience, just some basic product knowledge. And yet it immerses employees in intense, high-pressure situations every moment of the day. They require specific skill sets to relieve customer worries, handle complaints and improve the overall customer experience. Which dispels many of the ‘entry level’ myths that surround this crucial job title. Your team needs all the help they can get when it comes to cultivating their talents and building real-world know-how. Is there any particular reason why online training is a better fit than conventional courses for your customer service desk? Here are some of the overlooked benefits that corporate training software can bring to your customer care team.

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1. Practical Εxperience

Customer care staff might man the phones, taking calls from customers. Or they may be positioned at a service desk. Their job is particularly challenging because they’re almost always dealing with upset clients. It’s rare for someone to call or visit customer care with a compliment. At the same time, customer care is largely a PR job. Unlike tech support, the customer care team aren’t always equipped to solve problems. Most of the time, they simply record the issue then pass it along to someone that can do something about it. This can make customers even more frustrated because they feel dismissed and handed off.

The corporate training software can allow customer care staff to learn skills that make customers feel heard. Employees may still be unable to resolve the matter, but they can learn to master soft skills such as empathy, active listening, and strategic word choice. All these can soothe a customer even when they don’t get a solution. In a classroom situation, your employees may each get one shot at roleplay. With eLearning, they can open a training module at will. They can run through simulations or branching scenarios as often as they like. And they can get voice prompts or pop-up text to help them along so they get better each time.

2. Moment-Of-Need Support

There’s a joke, with a lot of truth in it. No matter what you ask tech support they’ll give you a standard answer. ‘Have you tried turning it off and on again?’ Customer care staff doesn’t have it quite that easy. Yes, they have some basic skills, depending on their industry. And some members of the team have training in specific areas, so calls and complaints may be rerouted to them. But most of the time, they’re stressed, clueless and trying to stay calm as someone yells at them. Online courses could offer them JIT resources to get out of this situation, especially for phone-in services.

As your staff talks to customers, they’re probably sitting in front of their work-station. You can train them using certain keywords and thinking paths. Because phone calls are always recorded the voice feed could even be linked to the system. If it’s all on the same LMS or corporate training software, keywords can trigger certain pages to be called up. As your staff continues talking to the customer their screen offers hints of a solution. Or it opens several documents that may offer a solution. By the end of the call, the corporate learner has the exact information they need to resolve the problem. Of course, this requires high-level multitasking, so it helps that they can engage simulations as often as they need to. It’ll soon be second nature.

3. Confidence Boost

For a lot of people, talking to a stranger on the phone is daunting, especially if that stranger is disgruntled. It can be even more stressful in person. Now imagine being nervous, dealing with an angry customer and not having an answer to their problem. It could drive anyone to distraction. And yet customer care staff have to do this every day, all day. Worse, they have no idea what kinds of problems they’ll encounter. Online learning with corporate training software can help them overcome nerves in two ways. One, they can practice with imaginary customers until they get it right. And two, they can engage in real-life customer problems. Use recorded calls to draw inspiration for your scenarios and simulations. This is helpful both for novices and for team members that want to ‘replay’ a certain situation. After a particularly harrowing call, they can log into the system, pull up a similar challenge, and practice. In this sense, eLearning offers ongoing, relevant and consistently updated training in a way that’s inaccessible for traditional corporate education.

4. Reduces On-The-Job Stress

Employees know that the corporate training software will address their moments of need and offer ongoing support. They’re also aware that the corporate LMS will boost their self-confidence by exposing them to real-world scenarios. All this reduces their stress levels and improves satisfaction. Employees aren’t concerned about being underprepared if a customer has an unusual issue. Or there’s a new task they have to tackle. A side benefit of this is retaining your top customer care employees who you’ve spent so much time upskilling. You won’t need to pay for a replacement’s online training because your top talent stays loyal.

Customer care is one of the most difficult positions in any organization. Their entire job is to deal with upset people and try to calm them down, often without resolving their problem. How does corporate training software help your team work without breaking stuff and lashing out? It offers them simulations and branching exercises based on real-life situations. It sharpens their soft skills, active listening, empathetic response, de-escalation, etc. And it adds to their JIT resources by constantly plugging in scenarios from your daily complaints desk. This helps if they encounter the same scenario. But it also generally boosts their self-belief and their ability to do their jobs effectively.

Getting new hires into the flow of your work-place is an essential corporate undertaking. How can you be sure you get it right? Download our eBook Making The Case For Corporate Training Software: How To Choose And Implement A New Corporate LMS For A Healthier Bottom Line and discover all you need to know so you can choose and implement a new corporate LMS.

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