Desktop Vs Cloud-Based Authoring Tools

Desktop Vs Cloud-Based Authoring Tools

Desktop Vs Cloud-Based Authoring Tools

eLearning Authoring Tools: Desktop Or Cloud-Based Authoring Tools?

48% of companies are currently interested in finding new or different eLearning technologies. Amongst these new technologies are cloud-based authoring tools.

Cloud-based authoring tools are a relatively new concept in the eLearning industry, with most companies still using standard desktop software to create their content. So what are some of the key features that cloud-based tools offer, and does it look like the future of eLearning content creation is in the cloud?

What Does The Cloud Mean?

Cloud-based authoring tools exist entirely online. Users are given a login and can access their tool anytime, anywhere - as long as they can access the internet. Everything happens online; from production, to publishing, to user management, to storage. This gives cloud-based tools a few advantages over traditional desktop authors:

But the differences between cloud-based and desktop authoring tools don’t just lie in the cloud. Cloud-based authoring tools have a few other characteristics that set them apart from their desktop counterparts.

Characteristics Of Cloud-Based Authoring Tools

Publishing content is also easy with cloud-based tools. Like desktop authors, cloud-based tools allow for SCORM publishing. However, editing and updating published content is easy, as changes made in cloud-based authors can be synced automatically with your Learning Management System - it’s low IT, and doesn’t require having to re-upload an entire SCORM object.

Some cloud-based tools take post-production editing options a step further. Coassemble Author, for example, can be partnered with the Coassemble LMS. Coassemble fully integrates its authoring tools and Learning Management System, allowing users to jump back and forth between softwares in the same dashboard. This allows for some smart features, including mapping learning outcomes on the fly, as you author - a great feature for authoring with compliance training and learning objectives in mind.

So, Is Cloud-Based Authoring The Future?

Yes and no. Cloud-based authoring is quicker, easier, safer (in terms of data storage), and more flexible than traditional desktop tools. But the simplicity and ease-of-use of cloud-based offerings come at the sacrifice of power and depth. For example, it’s not possible to create complex branched scenarios with most cloud-based authoring tools.

Desktop tools remain the most powerful content creators in the eLearning market. The complexity and depth of desktop tools make them hard to use, but also means that they can build content that cloud-based tools can’t. With desktop tools almost anything is possible, making them the only option for creating advanced courses with features such as games and complicated templates.

Cloud-based tools may be poised to take over day-to-day authoring, but there’s still a place for desktop software in eLearning production.

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