eBook Launch: Orchestrating An Agile Learning Design And Delivery Process

eBook Launch: Orchestrating An Agile Learning Design & Delivery Process

eBook Launch: Orchestrating An Agile Learning Design & Delivery Process

Is Agile Learning Design The Best Approach For Your Team?

Modern learners expect great things from your L&D program and time is of the essence. The "traditional" approach often doesn't allow you to quickly adapt and evolve your ID process, which leaves employees in the lurch. That's where this eBook steps in to help you launch an agile learning design strategy that bridges gaps rapidly and makes the most of your internal assets.

eBook Release
Orchestrating An Agile Learning Design & Delivery Process
Find out why an agile, collaborative learning culture is making ID more efficient and effective, and how to facilitate it.

How Agile Design Mitigates L&D Risks

Agile design isn't about cutting corners to speed up the process. It's a methodical strategy that tackles challenges in stages so that you can roll out relevant and relatable content when employees need it the most. One of the primary characteristics is flexibility. Instead of planning an L&D program from a bird's eye view, you have the opportunity to break it down to its most basic components and focus on the most crucial performance behaviors, skills, and objectives.

About This eBook

Even the most solid strategy will fall short if you don't have the right tech tools. So, how do you find the best agile learning system? Which models can you use to create an effective framework for your online training initiatives? Here's what you'll find inside this ultimate agile design guide:


Ultimately, you need a holistic plan of action that empowers SMEs, Instructional Designers, and other key players in your organization. Download the eBook Orchestrating An Agile Learning Design & Delivery Process to discover how you can leverage modern tech and collaborative design methodologies to boost L&D efficiency.

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