eLearning 101 Part 3: Development Roles

eLearning 101 Part 3: Development Roles
Summary: eLearning 101 Part 3: Development Roles includes the roles and responsibilities that are included during the development process. Some roles are mandatory during any course development process, while other roles may be optional depending on the needs of the course.

eLearning 101 Part 3: Development Roles

In eLearning Part 1: Introduction to eLearning you were introduced to the concepts of eLearning and approaches to learning. In eLearning Part 2: Planning eLearning, we discussed planning and how to create a storyboard, the audio or script writing process and various methods of interactivity. To return to the previous sessions, click on the links.

eLearning Part 1: Introduction to eLearning

eLearning Part 2: Planning eLearning

eLearning Part 3: Developmental Roles

eLearning Part 4: Development Process

  • Communications
  • Recording
  • Publishing

eLearning Part 5: Evaluating

eLearning 101 Part 3: Development Roles

This section includes the roles and responsibilities that are included during the development process. Some roles are mandatory during any course development process, while other roles may be optional depending on the needs of the course.

All roles should be identified and assigned at the beginning of the project. Every person involved in the project should be notified at the beginning of the project of his or her role. Note: one person may have multiple roles.  It is a good standard of practice to form a committee to identify the roles and expectations of each team member and to have each person accept their role in writing to ensure they understand the requirements of the position.

See communication log example, free download at the bottom of the article.

Mandatory Roles

  1. Scriptwriter
    This role expands the objectives of the course into a complete script. The script will include narration, development notes (ideas for the uses of assets such as images, animations, etc.), course branching directions, and quiz questions (works in partnership with the instructional designer).
  2. Subject Matter Expert (SME)
    This person(s) is considered the expert on the topics discussed in the course. This person(s) will meet frequently, during the initial stages of the course development, with the Instructional Designer, Developer, and Stakeholder.
  3. Instructional Designer (ID)
    This role requires analysis and application of the information and materials being applied to the course to ensure the course is effective to the learners. Additionally, the ID addresses considerations during the development process; such as, curriculum design, program planning, and the effectiveness of testing and learner retention.
  4. Adobe Captivate Developer
    The Developer is the person (or persons) who applies the images, text, script, and other assets into the course using Adobe Captivate. Additionally, the Developer is responsible for audio and animation timing, inserting interactivity, and publishing the course in the format appropriate for the intended method of delivery.
    Note: There are various authoring tools for developing. Adobe Captivate is the most comprehensive and sophisticated.
  5. Graphics Designer
    This role addresses graphics and image creation (or editing) during the development process. This role should expect to meet occasionally with the rest of the development team during the development of the course.
  6. Management Stakeholder
    This person usually owns or is responsible for the budget allocated for the project, including some or all of the personnel involved in the development team. This person may meet occasionally with individuals on the team; however their primary correspondence is with the project Administrator.
  7. Administrator
    This role includes: project management (targets, budget, and team); liaison with client and subject experts; installation and maintenance of the package; management of piloting and evaluation. The Administrator also monitors the project schedule, controls budget; chairs project meetings, and reports to management.
  8. Learning Management System (LMS) Expert
    Most eLearning projects will be delivered through the LMS. This role is involved with the planning, implementation and delivery of the course. They are also responsible for authoring or uploading of the course into the LMS, the association with the appropriate curriculum, and ensuring the appropriate rights are assigned to the course or intended users so that the audience may access the course without difficulty.
  9. Communications
    This role manages outgoing communications regarding the course. This may include course announcements, feedback and updates related to the course. This is an ongoing role during the life of the course.
  10. IT Partner
    This role is to be filled by an individual who manages or administers the networks or computers of the development and implementation team. The IT person also advises on technical issues that may arise during the delivery of the course. The amount of time required for this role will be determined on the intended delivery method and audience of the course.
  11. “Content” Reviewers
    These groups of reviewers are people who understand the content and review it for accuracy. This will include the SME and other individuals who can validate the integrity of the content and topics being delivered. This group will review the course and provide feedback relevant to the accuracy and completeness of the course. They will participate in at least one review process and possibly more.
  12. “Course” Reviewers
    These groups of reviewers are people who do not currently understand the content but do possess the prerequisite knowledge to take the intended course. They are good candidates to review the course as a potential learner. This group will review the course and provide feedback regarding how the content is being received from a potential learner. The type of feedback includes the content flow and how well it is understood, as well as providing any suggestions that would help them better understand the intended topics. They will participate in at least one review process and possibly more.

Optional Roles

  1. Video Editor
    This role is responsible for the final product of any video used in the course. This could include video production of new video or the use of pre-existing video. The final product should be in .flv format or as otherwise requested by the developer.
  2. Flash Developer
    This role is responsible for the final product of any animation utilizing Adobe Flash, which is used in the course. This could include the creation of new animations or the use of pre-existing animations. This does not include the animations that are created in PowerPoint or Captivate. The final product should be in .swf format or as otherwise requested by the developer.
  3. Narrator
    This role is the recording voice for the course when audio narration is used. The narrator typically is not involved in the production until the first version of the course has been reviewed.
  4. Consultant
    This position is used at times when the content requires the viewing of a specialist. This person also provides assistance during the development of the script and storyboard.

The Development Process

Following the eLearning development process is extremely important. Below is the suggested outline for the development process. This process must be followed and will ensure that your time as a developer is used as efficiently as possible. Missing or avoiding steps could result in errors, complications and delays in your project.

A communication log can assist to document this processsee example below downloadable file: excel spreadsheet

After the content is approved, the general development processes is:

  1. Establish (if new course) or re-establish  (if converting from an existing ILT course) the core objectives of the training
  2. Establish the core stakeholders – Scriptwriter, SME, Captivate Developer, Management
  3. Identify the key learning objectives of the course
  4. Objectives (includes course outline)---approval needed--- (Stakeholders - Scriptwriter, SME, Management)
  5. Timeline Forecast (due dates for script, storyboard, expected versions/reviews, and roll-out date)
  6. Create storyboard (identify how the script utilizes additional assets to convey the message.  Include quizzes and reinforcement questions). Example: Storyboard template
  7. Storyboard ---approval needed--- (Stakeholders - Scriptwriter, SME, Captivate Developer, Management)
  8. Create the course script
  9. Course script ---approval needed--- (Stakeholders - Scriptwriter, SME, Captivate Developer, Management)
  10. Identify additional Stakeholders to achieve the intended storyboard such as Video Editor, Narrator(s), Flash Developer, and possible experts that may be incorporated into the course through audio or video
  11. Captivate Development of Version 1
  12. Version 1 review needed (SME and Content Reviewers)
  13. Key review components include - content integrity and accuracy of message, ease of use, file size considerations, flow, and representation of the agency
  14. Captivate Development of Version 2
  15. Version 2 review needed(may be Content Reviewer and/or Course Reviewers)
    • Key review components include the approval of how the recommendations were addressed and any possible items that may have been overlooked
  16. Captivate Development of Version 3
  17. Version 3 review needed (may be Content Reviewer and/or Course Reviewers)
    • Key review components include the approval of how the recommendations were addressed.
  18. Captivate Development of Version 4
  19. Version 4 review needed (may be Content Reviewer and/or Course Reviewers)
    • Key review components include stakeholders and a handful of people who represent the intended audience (may be Content Reviewer and Course Reviewers)
  20. Depending on the complexity of the course additional versions and version reviews may be required
  21. Final Adjustments: Course approval needed
  22. Prepare course for Learning Management System (LMS)
  23. Course is uploaded to LMS iLearn test site
  24. Review needed a strategic review process should be established to ensure the continued quality of the course and program
    1. Establish Beta Testers and have them review the course
    2. Establish Alpha Tester(s) to go through the course on production
  25. Announcement – email, posting in current communication tools such as newsletters. (This is beyond the scope of our project; however a comprehensive roll-out plan needs to be established for both required and elective training.)

eLearning 101:

eLearning 101 Part 1: Introduction to eLearning

  • Getting Started
  • Approaches to Learning

eLearning 101 Part 2: Planning eLearning

  • Storyboard
  • Script writing
  • Interactivity

eLearning 101 Part 3: Developmental Roles

  • Mandatory Roles
  • Optional Roles
  • Communications

eLearning 101 Part 4: Development Process

  • Recording
  • Implementing
  • Publishing

eLearning 101 Part 5: Evaluating

Contributing Author Rob Porter with Training Objectives

communication log example

Originally published on October 1, 2012