eLearning Startup Guide: 7 Things That Nobody Tells You About Launching Your Own eLearning Company

eLearning Startup Guide 7 Tips You Should Follow

eLearning Startup Guide 7 Tips You Should Follow

7 eLearning Startup Tips

Every career path has particular challenges you need to be aware of. Especially when you’re just starting out and don’t have much experience under your belt (yet). There are certain things that nobody tells you about launching your own company that you simply have to discover firsthand. After all, there’s no quick eLearning startup guide to tell you about the trials and tribulations you might face or to point you in the right direction so that you have the best chance at success. That is, until now! Here are 7 eLearning startup tips that most entrepreneurs wish they had when they waded in the eLearning waters.

1. You Need A Marketing Budget (Even If You’re A Free-Promo Pro)

You may think that you can get away with no marketing budget. After all, you are a free marketing expert, thanks to plenty of time spent on social media. However, even the most experienced promo pros need some sort of marketing plan to get things off the ground. PPC ads and prominent listings in online directories are just two expenses to consider. More importantly, you need to set a realistic promotional budget that includes “hidden” fees, such as paying someone to craft articles with embedded links or produce your promo videos.

2. USPs Are The Golden eLearning Eggs

Unique selling points are your bread and butter. They’re what sets you apart from competitors and makes prospects take notice of your eLearning startup. You have to not only identify them but learn how to pitch them to potential clients. For example, how your top-notch support staff translates into real-world benefits for them and what level of expertise they bring.

3. “Outsourcing” Isn’t A Bad Word

You don’t have to wear that many hats. I know, you might expect an eLearning startup guide to include the “multitasking is a must” rule. However, there are times when taking on too much leads to burnout. Outsourcing isn’t a bad word. It’s not something that only big companies with big budgets can afford. It’s all about how you look for outside assistance and knowing which tasks to outsource. Freelancing sites and online directories are a great place to start. But there are also ways to attract talent through social media. Post a public job opening or ask for content creators, graphic designers, and other pros to send in their resumes.

4. Devote Time And Resources To Building A Social Media Presence

This cannot be stressed enough: social media is a startup’s best friend. You need to devote time to building a presence and staying active on social networking sites, from Facebook and YouTube to Instagram and LinkedIn. It’s also a good idea to launch your own blog so that you can keep clients up to date and attract new business. For example, post articles that talk about the benefits of hiring an eLearning company and include links to your sign-up page or contact form.

5. Feedback Is Your Ticket To Long-Term Success

Traditional marketing efforts will only take you so far. For instance, people will read your online sales pitch to learn about your unique products or services. But they still don’t know if you can be trusted. People are wary of new businesses. And it’s your job to win them over with trusted reviews, ratings, and testimonials. They know that your business has helped others in the past and might be able to do the same for their organization. However, client feedback also helps you continually improve. It’s your key to long-term success because it allows you to troubleshoot your weak points and build a stronger brand image.

6. Contracts Αre Not Οptional

You’ve known the client for years. Why would you even dream of making them sign a contract? After all, it would just make them feel uncomfortable, as if you don’t trust them enough to engage in business dealings without getting something in writing. The truth is that you need to get a contract for every project you take on, no matter who it’s with or the scope of the job. It ensures that everyone knows what to expect, how to communicate, and what’s included in the price. In fact, you may want to invest in an attorney who can draft up a contract template that you’re able to customize.

7. You May Be The eLearning Pro But Remain Teachable

You may be reading this eLearning startup guide because you are brand-new to the industry. Or perhaps you’ve been involved in countless projects but have finally decided to set out on your own. Whatever the case, you must remain teachable. Never stop learning about new technologies that give your company a competitive edge or new techniques that can bring more benefits to your clients and enhance your brand’s reputation. Launching your own eLearning company does take commitment and dedication, as well as a fair share of mistake-making. The secret is learning from those mistakes instead of letting them defeat you. Use slow periods to attend workshops or take online courses rather than sitting idly by, waiting for clients to roll in. Ramp up your marketing efforts and explore new audience groups.


Taking the leap and launching your own eLearning company can be nerve-racking. Particularly when you’re footing the bill for the endeavor and there’s a high degree of risk involved. However, these tips can help you embark on this new adventure with experienced insight. Just remember, no matter how long you’ve been in the industry, never stop seizing new opportunities to broaden your knowledge base.

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