Employee Onboarding: A Process For The Future Of Work [eBook Release]

Employee Onboarding: A Process For The Future Of Work [eBook Release]
Summary: This employee onboarding guide can help you boost new hire engagement and choose the best outsourcing partner for the future of work.

How To Create Employee Onboarding For The Future Of Work

New employees often have first-day jitters when they join any organization, regardless of how many people are on the payroll, if they work remotely, or the company’s niche. Fortunately, you can put them at ease and prepare them for upcoming challenges with personalized onboarding programs. This eBook explores the role of the employee onboarding process and shares insider tips for designing initiatives that fully engage your teams. Before we give you a sneak preview of the chapters, let's look at some employee onboarding secrets of success.

eBook Release: Employee Onboarding: A Process For The Future Of Work
eBook Release
Employee Onboarding: A Process For The Future Of Work
Discover strategies, technologies, and approaches you can use to develop effective employee onboarding programs that leave a lasting impression!

Employee Onboarding Secrets Of Success

Develop A Realistic Implementation Budget

How much are you working with, and what do you need to achieve from the investment? That’s the question that all organizations must answer to achieve maximum ROI, avoid overspending and develop a realistic budget they can stick to. This implementation estimate should cover everything from a Training Needs Analysis to outsourcing fees. This includes payroll, software, and seat time.

Look For The Right Outsourcing Partner

Speaking of outsourcing, you need to find an eLearning content provider that knows the ins and outs of your business operations. They understand the obstacles you face, both in terms of performance issues and tech constraints. First and foremost, this partner should work with you to identify current gaps, goals, and needs in order to stretch available resources.

Create A Cyclical Feedback System

Feedback is never-ending. At least, that’s the way it should be. New hires should get feedback after they complete each onboarding activity to shore up their strengths and identify gaps, just as they should feel free to provide feedback based on their onboarding experience. Was there anything missing? Was it interactive and engaging enough to hold their attention? Did it facilitate real-world application, or do their brains feel like mush thanks to theory overload? This cyclical feedback system should extend to every phase of the employment cycle. Gather input from your trainees at crucial points in the training process and always offer personalized praise/constructive criticism in return.

Prioritize Onboarding Initiatives

Start with the essentials, such as the tasks, skills, and compliance info new hires need on day one. Then expand your training program scope to include supplemental knowledge and competencies. Bear in mind that social learning tools, like peer coaching, can pick up some of the slack. There is a caveat to this, though. Small does not mean fragmented. You should never omit performance management support or skill development from your strategy. It’s also important to offer them follow-up resources if they want to learn more or expand their knowledge autonomously. For example, eager new hires might choose to embark on certification paths you’ve already developed for their team. All the above are vital if you want to get ready for the Future of Work.

Reflect And Reassess

Look back at your onboarding process periodically and reevaluate your budget, objectives, and training requirements. Things change, and your onboarding must evolve to accommodate. Evaluate LMS metrics, business reports, and assessment results to see if you’re still on track. The beauty of online onboarding is that you can frequently update content to mitigate risks. For example, touch on new regulations that impact new hires so that they don’t make costly mistakes. You may also choose to host more live events or online discussions to improve knowledge retention and boost peer collaboration, as well as reduce training spending by letting social learning fill (some of) the gaps.

About This eBook

How do you retain your new top talent and meet all of their training expectations? Here's a brief glimpse of what's inside this employee onboarding guide:

  • Six Reasons To Invest In Employee Onboarding In Your Organization
  • Dos And Don'ts When Planning Effective Employee Onboarding
  • 5 Design Tips For An Interactive Onboarding Experience
  • The Impact Of Employee Onboarding On The Corporate Training ROI
  • 5 Ways To Evaluate And Optimize Your Onboarding Process
  • Budget Factors To Consider When Building Your Employee Onboarding Training
  • In-House Vs. Outsourcing Employee Onboarding: What's The Right Solution For Your Needs?


Download the eBook Employee Onboarding: A Process For The Future Of Work to launch a top-notch new hire training program that's engaging, inspiring, and employee-centered. You can also join the webinar to learn what it takes to improve your teammates' capabilities and build crucial skills.

Originally published on October 20, 2021