How To Transform Your Remote Workforce Into A Virtual Learning Community

How To Transform Your Remote Workforce Into A Virtual Learning Community

How To Transform Your Remote Workforce Into A Virtual Learning Community

Creating A Virtual Learning Community While Working Remotely

3…2…1…fall! Ever experienced a trust fall countdown? Some years ago the Obsidian Learning team participated in a 3-day team-building retreat, and memories of the trust fall remain vivid. At the end of that 3-day period, after a multitude of activities, discussions, and interactions, what had previously been a group of 15 strangers was transformed into a unified team. We created a virtual learning community.

eBook Release
How Virtual Learning Meets Employee Training Needs In Today’s Remote Working Environment
Learn how to employ virtual learning to meet the needs of your learners and your organization.

The definition of the word “community” comprises two equally important aspects:

Neither place nor feeling should be neglected when attempting to establish a community.

As social animals, humans more easily create effective groups, teams, and communities in person. Personal interaction and all of its associated elements (sight, touch, hearing) help speed up the process of bonding, trusting, and collaborating. Thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic, in-person community building has hit a roadblock, and the future appears to be leading in the direction of increased virtual interaction.

The drafting of this article is a case in point. There were no in-person meetings, no happy hours, and no doors to close to ensure privacy when providing personal feedback. The goals and objectives of the individuals, teams, and our organization, however, remained unchanged, and it was our duty and desire to maintain our efforts on all possible fronts. The end result—if we do say so ourselves—is a polished, professional, informative product. We got the job done.

Modern humankind has so many tools at its disposal to maintain connection and create thriving virtual communities. Cellular networks, computer networks, video conferencing tools, social media….the list goes on. In this article, we’re going to look at the process of creating a virtual learning community at your organization, taking into account both the place and feeling facets of community that we discussed above.

1. Creating A Communal Place

In this digital age, the virtual infrastructure is already in place. From email to public drives, most contemporary employees, teams, departments, and organizations have a strong sense of the abstract infrastructure that facilitates and enables their daily tasks and interactions. The challenge associated with the transformation from an in-person to an almost fully virtual learning community is 3-fold:

Awareness Of Existing Infrastructure

Everyone on your team should be aware of all of the organization’s digital assets, their intended purpose, and functional understanding of their use.


Knowledge Of How To Use Existing Infrastructure

Ensure everyone on your team knows how to use each component of your digital asset network. This shouldn’t require a robust change in how you train your employees on how to effectively use MS Office or any other software your company uses. The difference here is that you must ensure a minimum level of knowledge for each tool you will be using extensively to compensate for the lack of in-person feedback or support and create a big picture view of how all these tools work together synergistically.


Based on the one-page infographic of all your digital tools, apps, and software, create a corresponding microlearning (an interactive pdf or even an email) which includes links to the most effective learning assets you have available for each tool, app or software. This will not only create a robust and very useful training module but can also serve as performance support at the time of immediate need.

Create Opportunities For Social Or Soft Interactions

Specifically identify and create rules of engagement around tools and applications that will substitute for physical interaction. The process is simple:


2. Creating A Feeling Of Fellowship And Belonging

Once you’ve equipped your employees with the information they need to best leverage your virtual system—or as we like to call it, your “virtual learning community hangout”—you can start looking at how to recreate feelings of connection, fellowship, and common goals, the feeling of belonging.

Creating a sense of belonging is a complex endeavor that does not necessarily follow a predetermined set of steps. Community is developed, rather, through a series of soft-skill actions, activities, attitudes, and enablement. For obvious reasons (lack of physical presence, limited ability to read body language, etc.) this process is more challenging in a virtual environment. For your virtual community to thrive, you will need to:

Be Honest, Frank And Always Clear And Constructive

In insecure times, it might be tempting to sugarcoat harsh realities. Don’t fall into that trap; employees will much prefer assertive frankness to a false, rosy picture. Always clearly describe and communicate the circumstances, situations, and challenges your team, department, new hires, or workshop attendees may face.

Also, be clear and constructive when addressing or resolving issues. If you experience overwhelm during a 20-person WebEx workshop—it should have been no problem, that’s how many employees attend in-person sessions—it might be wise to pause, describe the situation to your trainees, and seek their feedback. It may be necessary to split the audience and reschedule the training, but this type of action will more often than not be appreciated, as opposed to gritting it out and slogging through with something that is obviously not working.


Create And Encourage The Right Environment For Social Interaction

There is no watercooler, and therefore there is no watercooler chat. While unnecessary office drama might taper off, feelings of friendship and camaraderie might do so as well. Employees may encounter new challenges associated with limited social interaction.


Challenge Your Learners

Specific and attainable challenges can do wonders for unmotivated individuals, and if done right, it can uplift the whole team or community. For your virtual learning experience—be it a virtual workshop or eLearning—you should:


Connect People And Ideas

Virtual learning environments can feel isolating, especially to those who are new or not as familiar with the organization. This applies to new hires, new teams, reorganized departments, or even to individual personnel changes. No one wants to be the person asking the “stupid questions.” As a learning professional, if you sense insecurity, make it a point to address it. A private note or short one-on-one talk is ideal for this circumstance.


If during your virtual learning experience someone asks a specific question which is outside of the scope of the current training, ask if any attendees would be willing to connect with this individual after the training to discuss this issue in more detail. This applies to ideas, suggested improvements, etc. If fellow attendees aren’t the right resource, direct them to other individuals, teams, or online resources that might be helpful.

Despite some inherent challenges associated with virtual learning environments, applying these recommendations will help your organization create a flourishing, vibrant, and productive virtual learning community for your remote workforce. Above all, remember that you must:

If you're wondering how you can effectively implement virtual training in your organization and meet the needs of your learners and your organization, download the eBook How Virtual Learning Meets Employee Training Needs In Today’s Remote Working Environment. Find out more virtual learning resources and tips by joining this webinar, too!

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