Is TalentLMS A Solution For Online Training?

Is TalentLMS A Solution For Online Training?

Is TalentLMS A Solution For Online Training?

Several professionals at the eLearning Industry ask me

"Why to use TalentLMS"?

Here are my thoughts!

  1. Reuse minimizes the time to create an online course
    Re-use your presentations, docs and videos or consume data from services like Youtube, Slideshare, Scribd and Wikipedia. Create courses in a few minutes rather than days.
  2. Aesthetic integrity improves retention
    These guys took the aesthetic integrity as priority. Aesthetic integrity is not a measure of how beautifully your application is decorated. It's a measure of how well the appearance of your application integrates with its function.
  3. Lean design improves the learner experience
    Lean design means a lot of good things for the learner. For example there is no need for manuals; minimal time to be productive; important functionality is at the rich of your hand; faster performance; less bugs; less complaints from end-users
  4. Cloud frees you from technical headaches
    You can start, stop, upgrade, downgrade immediately. They handle all backups, updates and upgrades.
  5. Features mix makes it a perfect fit for small but dynamic teams
    From the selection of characteristics to its cost this is an optimal learning solution for small but dynamic teams and organizations.
  6. A mobile-friendly design increases learning on-the-go
    From design to content presentation they build something optimized for your iPad and iPhone (or any other modern mobile device)
  7. Shared online courses offer opportunities for ad-hoc training
    Share courses even with non-registered users. This is a perfect solution for ad-hoc training without the need to register first. Users can register at the end of the course and get their certification.

Least but not last, what if I tell you than you can create your Free eLearning portal in 30'' Nope I am not joking! It is true!

Would you like to know how to get started with TalentLMS?

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