Do You Know What Makes Your Employees Feel Satisfied?

Do You Know What Makes Your Employees Feel Satisfied?

Do You Know What Makes Your Employees Feel Satisfied?

What Makes Your Employees Feel Satisfied

The Statistic Brain Research Institute of the American Institute of Stress reports that job stress tops the list of physical symptoms caused by stress that 77% of Americans experience regularly. Annual costs of stress-related missed days and health care in the United States is a staggering $300 billion. So what is it that today's employees want to feel happy and satisfied in their workplace?

According to a combined Harvard Business Review and The Energy Project study of 12,000 primarily white collar workers indicates that workers need four essential needs to be met in order to be happy on the job. These four needs are:

  1. Physical needs.
    The worker needs to feel recharged and renewed in their workplace. This can come from a comfortable and relaxed work environment.
  2. Emotional needs.
    The worker needs to feel appreciated and valued. Managers that show their appreciation for their employees have an overall more satisfied staff. Having a fun and social work environment can also make the workers more productive as they want to come to work.
  3. Mental needs.
    The worker needs to be able to focus on important jobs without being constantly interrupted and chastised. This is where a micro-manager becomes a problem. Constantly looking over your employees shoulder and telling them what to do can cause more stress and dissatisfaction.
  4. Spiritual needs.
    The worker needs to feel that there is some purpose to the work that they do, a higher purpose than just taking home a paycheck.

Human resources professionals can use this needs guideline in the development of new programs in the workplace.

How To Support These Needs

What are some of the ways you can ensure that corporate policies support these essential needs? Some practical ways include:

Every company has it's own method of making employees feel satisfied. There is no one-size fits all method, but as long as the employer is taking the initiative workers will feel appreciated. There is nothing worse than an organization that does not put effort meeting employees needs.

Share with us your thoughts and opinions about what keeps employees satisfied and personal experiences you've had while on the job. 

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