Why You Need A Learning Engagement Platform

Why You Need A Learning Engagement Platform
Summary: According to a 2016 study published by Harvard Business Review, 90% of companies will compete on the basis of the customer experience they offer. But in order to offer outstanding customer service, companies must ensure their teams are fully aligned and trained at all times. How to overcome this challenge? Learning engagement.

Implementing A Learning Engagement Platform: Welcome To The Era Of Digital Learning

Needing to get everyone on board and in sync in a timely matter is no longer a goal for the enterprises of 2018 – it’s mandatory. And this means relying solely on face-to-face training is no longer enough. Not only is in-person training outdated, but it is not adapted to the acceleration of product cycles and the internationalization of our economies.

Fortunately, the development and democratization of digital learning solutions make it possible to overcome these limitations and adapt training to the challenges of the 21st century. Let’s take a look at how implementing a Learning Engagement Platform (LEP) can be the key to reaching your business goals.

The Only Training Adapted To Globalized Companies

Traditional face-to-face training is no longer able to meet the needs of globalized companies. Once a course is designed, it's a safe bet that it will no longer be up to date by the time each team is trained and caught up to speed. This struggle is particularly present in large corporations, as well as organizations experiencing strong growth, such as developing internationally or when onboarding new employees.

The only solution to combat this need for timely alignment? Digitizing learning courses to allow training leaders to update and adapt the material at any given moment, regardless of location. The proof? Digital training is one of the strategic pillars of growth for the French startup Devialet, a leader in sound system equipment. Following its €100m fundraising, which has enabled it to open more than 50 stores worldwide, the startup took the initiative to develop its digital learning courses with 360Learning.

Focus On Agility And Adaptability

In-person training does not adapt well to the acceleration of business rhythms. We are living in a world where products and work methodologies are improving more and more quickly, and business cycles are becoming shorter and shorter. And in the face of these changes— occurring almost daily for some brands—it is impossible to effectively train a sales force by focusing solely on face-to-face modules.

Digital learning eliminates the lag between course creation and transfer of knowledge: training courses are available as soon as they are created, which can be completed in less than an hour when using the 360Learning platform. Ensuring your learning assets are easily adaptable and accessible is the most effective way to keep your teams aligned, especially as the company grows.

Training At The Pace Of The Learner

Digital learning finally has the advantage of being asynchronous. This means that the learner can follow the courses at his own pace and at the times when he will be most available. Adapting to the time constraints of employees, whose attention is constantly being pulled in every direction, increases the impact of training, as well as the likelihood of the course actually being completed.

Giving the learner the opportunity to develop their own learning path according to their talents and ambition is a strong factor of commitment and helps retain the best talents. In fact, according to PwC, 46% of Millennials view that the possibility of training and the development of skills as central criteria in the choice of an employer.

Where To Go From Here?

There is no doubt that the Learning and Development world cannot possibly flourish without digital learning. But with so many options available in the market, the task of choosing the most engaging solution is still a challenge. One thing to keep in mind when considering a learning tool is that conventional SCORM modules have an average engagement rate of 20%, whereas solutions built around human interactions consistently achieve engagement rates upwards of 90%. In other words, Learning Engagement Platforms are 4.5 times more efficient than traditional LMSs.

The benefits of transitioning to a fully digitized learning organization are undeniable, but we recognize that such a transformation can seem daunting. It is for this reason that we’ve written an eBook to serve as your guide to Digital Culture At Scale – download it today!