What's Your Learning Leader Type?

What's Your Learning Leader Type?
Summary: Learning leaders are trailblazing, driving, focusing, and strategizing corporate training solutions. Read all about the 4 character types who make up these learning leaders and discover which one you identify with most.

How You Can Find Your Learning Leader Type

Learning styles might be a thing of the past, but learning leader types are just arriving on the scene.

Humans have a time-honored tradition of seeking to define themselves. Zodiac signs, Hogwarts houses, Myers-Briggs personalities—we enjoy identifying with a group with set characteristics [1]. Here at AllenComm, we thought it would be instructive and fun for learning enthusiasts, geeks, and professionals to group themselves by instructional preferences and passions.

We’ve recognized and outlined 4 different learning leader types: Trailblazers, Go-getters, Game Changers, and Mix Masters. Trailblazers are all about progressive learning. Go-getters are pragmatic and productive in their learning approach. Game Changers prefer proven, measurable methods to training, and Mix Masters are comfortable with any and everything when approaching an instructional challenge.

Is your interest piqued? Take our learning leader type quiz to find out what your learning leader style is and how to harness your strengths! Before you do that, though (or after; we’re flexible), you might be interested in discovering a little about what we think each learning leader type needs to be successful.

What You Need As A Trailblazer

As a Trailblazer, you like to leverage all that's latest and greatest. You have a vision, and you’re passionate about implementing it! The only question is…how? To satisfy that all-consuming question, you might benefit from consulting services or an analysis to capture your vision and light the way forward.

You’re probably also bored with your current workplace training. You need something sparkly and new, something that uses the latest and best technology and tools. Mobility? If you don’t have it, you should get it. Personalized training? This is 2018, after all! A visually pleasing and easy-to-use design? If it’s not appealing, you might as well not have it!

What You Need As A Go-Getter

As a Go-getter, you can spin multiple plates on short timelines. You like you may also yearn for an analysis, but you’ve got deadlines, so it will have to happen fast. The solution? A rapid needs analysis may be just the ticket for you. That way, you can get your results fast and jumpstart working on your development strategy.

Do you have the number of talented people needed to develop materials in record time? You’ll need both quantity and quality to stay on top of things! You’ll also want the latest technology and tools, but not because of the flash factor. It’s all about being effective—you have no interest in progress without value.

What You Need As A Game Changer

You’re a Game Changer, so when you look for consulting and analysis, you’re trying to get performance metrics, benchmarks, and success indicators. It’s all about numbers and hard data. Without it, how will you know that you’re succeeding? You like to push past great ideas to get great results.

Forget about making your training look nice or getting it done quickly. Those are nice-to-haves: you’re more concerned about ensuring it works. It needs to be focused on shaping and reinforcing real-time behaviors. You might spend a fair amount of technology and tools, but if you do, it’s because you’re looking to enhance performance and track outcomes.

What You Need As A Mix Master

The beauty of being a Mix Master is that you’re open to just about anything. You combine the best strategies from multiple sources. You don’t care about the methods as long as your people get what they need from the training. Consulting and analysis? Sure, if it helps you find the best recipe for success.

Your learning assets and training programs may come in any shape or size. You just want to address all concerns, needs, and desires and make sure learners really understand the content. Any technology and tools you incorporate are aimed at integrating your approach into one cohesive experience.


Now you know your learning leader type and some of your unique strengths! You probably learned something about yourself that you previously didn’t know how to articulate—what you value when creating learning. Using that information, you can make a more informed decision about your approach to training in this surprisingly diverse industry.

If you want to learn more about learning leaders, check out the AllenComm blog for additional articles with in-depth information.


[1] Why we love personality quizzes, even when we know they’re meaningless

Originally published on May 29, 2018